A great crowd learned about imam Mahdi’s blessed birth

‘A great crowd whose names were famous learned about His Excellency’s blessed birth, such as:

1- Hakimah KhÄtÅ«n, 2- The midwife who was their neighbor in SÄmarrÄʾ, 3- And the great crowd who had served His excellency, from his birth to his father’s [ImÄm Ê»AskarÄ« (pbuh)’s] death.’

The miracles which happened to his mother Narjis KhÄtÅ«n [mgbhs], at the time of The Excellency’s birth, were too many to be counted and accounted! However, I have mentioned them in the books “BihÄr al AnwÄr, Jala’ al-‘Uyun, and some other treatises.

Furthermore, in Haqq al-Yaqīn he stated:

Based on an authentic document, Shaykh SadÅ«q Muḥammad ibn BÄbawayh narrated from Aḥmad ibn IsḥÄq as:

[Once,] I went to His Excellency ImÄm Haá¹£an Ê»AskarÄ« (pbuh). I was thinking of asking him who would be the successive ImÄm after him.

But before I asked that, he stated, ‘O, Aḥmad! From the time The Almighty God created ʾĀdam [pbuh] till now, he has not left the earth without any Hujjah [God’s proof]! And he will not leave it so, till the Day of Judgment. God will repel evil because of his [Excellency’s] blessing, he will send down water [rain] from the sky and grow the plants of the earth, due to his blessing.

I wondered, ‘O, the Messenger of God’s son! Who will be the ImÄm and caliph after you?’

There, The Excellency [ImÄm Ê»AskarÄ« (pbuh)] stood up and went into the house. Then he came out while he bore a child on his shoulders, who was like the moon of the fourteenth night and looked three- year- old.

And he stated, ‘O, Aḥmad! He is the successive ImÄm after me. By the whole, If you were not such respectable to God and his Hujjahs, I would not reveal it to you. This son, has the same name and title as His Majesty the Messenger of God (pbuh&h). He will fill the world with justice, after it was filled with injustice and oppression. O, Aḥmad! The likeness of him in this Umma, is as the likeness of [Prophet] Al-khidr (pbu th) and Ḏū al-Qarnayn1. By God, he will be occulated! And during his occultation, no one will be saved from perishing and depraving; expect the one who is consistent in the way of Imamate. Also, God will gift him triumph, who prays expediting the Excellency’s Emergence.

I asked, ‘Can a miracle and a sign of appear to reassure me?’ There,

the child started speaking and to the eloquent Arabic word, he stated, ‘ Yes! I am the rest of God on earth and a deadly avenger of the enemies. Now, you see this! Do not look for any other sign!

Ahmade kept on, ‘I left His Excellency, while I was happy and joyful. The next day, I entered The Excellency’s service and said, ‘O, the Messenger of God’s son (pbuh)! I feel overjoyed, because of what you have bestowed on me! [Please] tell me, what Hujjahs were of Divine Law about Khidr and Dhu al-Qarnayn (pbu th)

His Excellency stated, ‘O, Aḥmad! That Devine law refers to the length of the [Major] Occultation.’ I asked, ‘O, the son God’s messenger! Will his occultation take long?’ He stated, ‘Yes! I swear to my God, it will take so long that, majority of the people who believed in his ImÄmate, turned away from the religion! No one remains steadfast in the True Religion, unless the ones whom the Almighty God has taken our promise and guardianship from them, on Day of Alast. Also, the one whom has written faith in his heart with his Pen2, and affirmed him in the spirit of faith.

O, Aḥmad! This is one of Divine Occult affairs by God [like Metaphysics]; it is a secret of God’s Hidden Secrets. It’s one occultation of God’s occultation [occult sciences]. Now, take what I am giving you, hide it and be of the grateful. So, you will be our friend in ‘Illiyin [the highest part of heavens], on the Day of Judgement

In addition, they have narrated from Ya’qub ibn Manqush, that he said:

One day, I entered His Excellency ‘s service. He was sitting on the seat in a chamber, with a curtain hanging over it. There I asked, ‘O my Sayyid! Who is Sahib al- Amr (mgehr) after you?’

He stated, ‘Pull the curtain!’ When I did so, there came out a child, who was 5 spans. And he almost seemed eight or ten years old, he had a wide forehead, fare face, glowing eyes, strong hands and tight knees. He had a spot on his right cheek, and had a forelock. Then, he came and sat on the lap of his dignified father.



1-     He is also spelled Zu al-Qarnayn, and appears in the Quran, Surah Al-Kahf ,Ayahs 83-101 as one who travels to east and west and erects a wall between mankind and Gog and Magog (called Ya’juj and Ma’juj). Elsewhere the Quran tells how the end of the world would be signaled by the release of Gog and Magog from behind the wall, and other apocalyptic writings report their destruction by God in a single night would usher in the Day of Resurrection. Some modern Muslim scholars are in favor of identifying him with Cyrus the Great.

2-     the Creator’s pen is a metaphor for the creation which is especial by God,