Requesting and seeking help from Imām Zamān (mGehr)

July 27, 2024 0

Abī Ḥamzah narrated from His Excellency Khādim (pbuh), that he stated, ‘All the angels who are sent by God to earth, for some affairs visit the Imām [Zamān (mGehr)], at first. Then, they present our deeds to the Sir. In fact, he [Sāhib al Amr (mGehr)]. is the cause of commuting angels from The Almighty God to him.

July 27, 2024 0

People will be inclined to the religion and love it, if the faithful benefit from their piety and faith to gain calmness, and have calm faces even in the peak of problems! 

Many people are used to discomfort so they never understand they are not calm! They even don’t look for it! Of the signs of being used to discomfort is that, when the problems of these people are over and they feel free, they will look for them; they cannot live without anxiety!

Repent for each moment, you haven’t had tranquility!

July 27, 2024 0

Many discomforts bring forth sin in humans! Also, there are some discomforts that are typically sins; therefore, the sinners are to repent.

Now pray, “O, God! I repent for each moment, I haven’t had tranquility!”

According to Imām Alī (pbuh)’s words, “The faithful/ believers enjoy both spiritualties [celestial] and the world [terrestrial], compared to others!” (Nahj al Balāghah, the Letters 27)

Why is that? It’s because, religion teaches the techniques of enjoying the world, through its psychological techniques.

Introducing one of the factors of children’s bad behavior

July 27, 2024 0

One of the factors of children’s bad behavior in the present societies is that “They often don’t experience the hardships of ordinary life!” Hence, when they face a problem in their lives, afterward, they wonder, “Why has this problem happened?!” That is, they don’t expect any problem to happen!

Some schools in Canada take the children to the forest, from the morning to the evening, to experience the hardships of living in the forest! There, experiencing those difficult situations, the children are taught whatever the teachers have intended.

  Reciting prayers in the Major Occultation Era

July 27, 2024 0

[In this regard,] Zurārah said, ‘Once I heard Aba Abdullâh (pbuh) stated, ‘Qā’im (mGehr) is occulted for a long time before he will emerge!’ I wondered, ‘How come?!’ He stated, ‘He fears.’ And he pointed to his blessed belly with his hand. Then he kept on, ‘O, Zurārah! He is the one who is looking forward to his emergence [Mūntasar2]. Also, he is the one whom they will doubt in his birth!

The youth are in need of sex!

November 30, 2023 0

You, the youngsters who are living in this era and time! Know that [true] living and supporting religion/ religiosity is very difficult!

The age of marriage has increased; there is a need for sex too. Well, it’s not possible to get married [due to the inflation]! Yet, they [the girls on the street] have been passing by you; wearing leggings. The same happens for the girls too! Today, you are supporting the religion, Honest to God.

Supply and demand

August 8, 2023 0

Supply is dependent on demand. All the religions around the world believe that a world peacemaker or a divine individual will come in the last era. However, this event depends on your demand.

 I just recite “O’ ibn al- Haṣan (mgehr)!”. We get together in religious gatherings, and we even express our grief by beating our breasts, but this type of reciting “O’ ibn al- Haṣan (mgehr)” is superficial! I just repeat it over and over; it hasn’t been engraved on our hearts. If it had, we would have been obedient and submissive.

Solutions to Save the Religion in the Last Era

August 8, 2023 0

“I want to help the Emergence, I want to do something for the Emergence, I want to be present at that time and live then”. So, what is the first thing to do for me, who wants to do something for Mahdism?

I should hold my faith firmly. Firstly, let’s see when would be the Last Era. Is it right now? Anyway, let’s first describe the characteristics of the Last Era, then we will continue the discussion.