The audible story of Imam Zaman’s honorable mother’s marriage

Based on some authentic documents, Ibn BÄbawayh and Shaykh TÅ«sÄ« narrated from Bishr ibn SulaymÄn. He was a slaver and one of ImÄm AlÄ« al- NaqÄ« [HÄdÄ«] and ImÄm AskarÄ« (pbu th)’s neighbors in the city “Surr man Ray†and also one of their special Shiites.  He mentioned:

Once ImÄm AlÄ« al- NaqÄ« (pbuh)’s servant whose name was “KÄfÅ«r†came to me. He told that ImÄm HÄdÄ« (pbuh) asked for me. So, I went to The Excellency’s service and sat there. There, he stated, ‘You are of The Helpers’ offspring. And since the time of the Messenger of God (pbuh&h), you have always loved us and accepted our guardianship/ leadership. Moreover, you have been trustable to us.

[Now], I want to give you a mission that will make you reach a higher level than other Shiites, in accepting our guardianship! We will tell you the other secrets too. You are supposed to buy a bondman!’

Then, the ImÄm wrote a nice letter in Latin language and in Latin style handwriting. Then, he sealed it with his seal. He also took out a sack that was full of gold and had two hundred and twenty Ashrafi1. He stated, ‘Take this letter and gold, head to BaqdÄd. Then you should be present at such bridge on such day.

When the ships that carry the captives landed on the shore, you could see a crowd of bondmen. Also, a group of deputies of Bani AbbÄs’s Emirs and a few Arab young men will gather around them. All day long, you have to be on the lookout for the slaver named “Amroo ibn YazÄ«dâ€. You will wait until the time, he introduces the bondwoman who has such and such features… she will wear silk clothes.

She will be wearing silk clothes and because of chastity, she does not like customers to look at her or touch her. Also, you will hear her speaking in the Roman language. There, she means, ‘I am worried about my chastity!

Anyhow, one of the customers will say, ‘I will pay three hundred Ashrafi for this bond girl. It was her chastity that made me more eager to buy her!’ Then, the bond girl will say in Roman, ‘If you will turn to SulaymÄn ibn DÄwood [pbuh] and have his kingdom, I won’t be attracted to you! So, don’t spend your money on me and don’t waste it!

At that time, the slaver will wonder, ‘What can I do with you, when you don’t like any customers? I have to sell you!’ And the bond gild will react, ‘Why are you in a hurry?! I want to be interested in him, and trust in his faithfulness and religiosity.’

Just then, you must go to the slaver and express, ‘I have a letter in Latin language and handwriting, which is written kindly by one of the noble and honorable people. He described his generosity, faithfulness, and honor in the letter. Give the letter to the bond girl to read, then give this letter to the bond girl to read. If she likes the writer of this letter, I will be a lawyer on behalf of that honorable man [the writer]. And I will buy that bond girl for him.

Bishr ibn Sulayman said, ‘I did what the Excellency had ordered, and I put his words in order. However, when the bond girl looked at the letter, she cried a lot and told Amroo ibn Yazīd, ‘Sell me to the writer!’ Then, she swore to the greatest values and beseeched, ‘If you don’t sell me to him, I will kill myself!’

Anyhow, I discussed the price with the slaver so that, he was convinced to sell her at the price that His Excellency ImÄm AlÄ« NaqÄ« (pbuh) had meant. So, I gave the gold and took the bond girl. The bond girl became happy and smiley and came to the chamber which I rented in BaqdÄd. On the way, she would take out the letter, kissed it, put it on her eyes and face, and hold it close to her body.

There, I wondered, ‘You are kissing a letter which you don’t know the writer of?!’ The bond girl reacted, ‘O, you are unable to understand! You have few knowledge about the greatness of prophets (pbu th)’ offspring and successors. Listen to me carefully, so that I can explain my biography!’

I am I Malika the daughter of Yashua, son of the Caesar [king] of Rome. the son of Rome’s king.  My mother is one of the offspring of ShamÊ¿Å«n ibn Hamun ibn al SafÄ, who was His Excellency IsÄ (pbuh)’s successor. [Now,] I am going to explain to you some wonderful news:

Know that, when I was thirteen years old, my ancestor wanted to marry me to his nephew. So, he invited the following people to his palace: a group who were the offspring of [His Excellency] IsÄ (pbuh)’s apostles, Christian scholars, and worshippers. They were three hundred people, in addition to seven hundred people of high rank. Furthermore, he invited commanders, generals, elders of the army, and the tribes’ heads who were four thousand people [, on the whole].

There, he ordered to bring a throne which had been ornamented with various jewels, during his kingship. Then, he ordered to provide forty legs for it and put his idols and crosses on the top of it! Afterward, he asked his nephew to go on the top. But as the priests had held The Bible to recite, the idols [special statues] and Crosses fell on the ground. Also, the legs broke down, the throne fell down and the nephew fell off the throne and became unconscious.

Well, the priests paled and began trembling! So, their head requested my ancestor, ‘O, king! Let us not to do it! The bad omen event means Christianity will die so soon!

However, my ancestor perceived it as a bad omen and commanded the scholars and priests, ‘Prepare the throne again and put the Crosses on their places. Then, bring the brother of my unfortunate and unlucky nephew to get this girl married to him. May the second’s prosperity remove his brother’s malevolent!’

Anyhow, when I slept at night, I dreamt of His Excellency Jesus the Christ [pbuh], Shamʿūn, and a crowd of apostles gathered together in the palace. They had installed a pulpit, made of light that looked higher than the sky. It was the very place where my ancestor had put the throne.

There, His Majesty Messenger of God (pbuh&h), his successor and son-in-law “AlÄ« ibn Abi TalÄ«b [pbuh]â€, and a crowd of ImÄms and the offspring [pbu th] made the palace illuminated by their arrival. So without pause, His Excellency Jesus the Christ [pbuh] went politely and to welcome the Messenger of God with honor and bow. Also, he wrapped his arm around His Majesty’s blessed neck.

Then, His Majesty Messenger of God (pbuh&h) stated, ‘O, Rūḥ Allah[2]! We are here to propose this prosperous son to ShamÊ¿Å«n’s daughter [offspring] “Malikaâ€. He pointed at the Moon of Imamate and caliphate tower[3] “ImÄm Ḥasan AskarÄ« (pbuh)†who is the son of the one, whom you gave the letter to me.

And, His Excellency Jesus the Christ [pbuh] took a look at His honorable Shamʿūn and stated, ‘the honorable man of both here and after the world came to you! Marry your offspring to Ale –Muḥammad (pbuh)’s offspring [son]. Shamʿūn reacted, ‘I obey!’

There, all of them went up the pulpit. The Majesty Messenger of God (pbuh&h) gave a sermon; he and His Excellency Christ [pbuh] married me to Ḥasan Askarī (pbuh). His Majesty Messenger of God (pbuh&h) and apostles were witnesses. But when I woke up of that blissful dream, I didn’t explain it to my ancestor; lest I may be killed! [Yes,]I saved this free treasure in my chest. However, the fire of kindness of the Sun of Imamate’s sky started burning in the center of my love, day by day. And it would lessen my wealth of patience and calmness, to the extent that, I was not able to drink or eat at all!

Day by day, my face turned pale, I would get thinner, and the trace of the hidden love would be shown apparently. Well, there was no doctor in Rome that my ancestor didn’t take me, to be treated. But, when he asked about the treatment, they had negative answers!

One day, as he was disappointed with my treatment, he told me, ‘O, the light of my eye! Do you have something as a wish in your mind, that you want me to fulfill it?’ I reacted, ‘O, my ancestor! I see the doors of my victory are closed on me! If you prevent torturing and bothering of the Muslim captives who are in your prison, untie their chains and shackles, and release them, I hope His Excellency Christ and his mother [pbu th] will heal me!

He did what I wanted, I turned healthy and ate some food. So, he was happy. Also, he honored and respected the Muslim captives.

After [surprisingly,] fourteen nights,

I dreamt that the Best Woman in the world “FÄtimÄ ZahrÄ (pbuh)†came to visit me. Also, Her Majesty Mary (pbuh) and one thousand bond girl of Hoor al Ayan* of heaven were at her service.

There, Her Majesty Mary stated, ‘This honorable girl is the Best Woman who will be your [grand] mother- in- law, mother of ImÄm Haá¹£an AskarÄ« (pbuh). Then, I begged, cried and complained, ‘ImÄm Ḥasan (pbuh) oppressed me and refused to see me. [By oppressed, she meant not paying attention]’

After that, Her Majesty [ZahrÄ (pbuh)] stated, ‘How can my son come to visit you, while you are polytheist; you -are [still] Christian. Yet, my sister Mary, ImrÄn’s daughter hates [the new] Christianity. If you prefer that The Almighty God and Mary will be pleased with you and visit ImÄm Ḥasan AskarÄ« (pbuh), recite:

اَشْھَد٠اَنْ لا اÙلهَ اÙلاّ اللّه٠وَ اَنَّ Ù…Ùحَمَّدَا رَسÙول٠اللّهÙ

I bear witness that there is no deity except Allah. And testify that Muḥammad [pbuh&h] is his Messenger

When I expressed those two pure words, Her Majesty Sayyidat al NisÄ [pbuh] hugged me tightly, sympathized and stated, ‘Now, look forward to seeing my son. I will send him to you!’ Then, I woke up and recited those two pure words, and I was looking forward to visiting the honorable Excellency.

When I fell asleep the next night, I dreamt the Sun- like the beauty of the Excellency.

There I requested, ‘O, my friend! Why have you oppressed me by not letting me see your grace, after you made me fall in love with you?!’He stated, ‘I have postponed coming to you, but because you were not Muslim [you were Christian]! Now that you converted to IslÄm, I will be visiting you every night, until The Almighty God wants for us to see each other in person. And he will turn this staying away into being with each other.’

[Yes,] since that night, there hasn’t been even one night that he hasn’t cured this staying away by coming to me!

There, Bishr ibn SulaymÄn wondered, ‘How did you pretend to be captive and come along with them?!’

She replied, ‘One night, ImÄm Ḥasan AskarÄ« (pbuh) informed me, ‘Your grandfather is going to send an army to fight with the Muslims, on such a day! He is going to follow them too. So, you must come along with the servants and bond girls; while disguised yourself so that they won’t recognize you. And follow your grandfather on such a path.’’

I obeyed what he stated. And then, the vanguard of the Muslim Army encountered us, made us captive, and now I am here as you can see. Except you, no one has found out that I am the daughter of the king of Rome. The old man whom I was his share among the bond girls, asked my name and I said, ‘My name is Narjis!’ He reacted, ‘This name is usually for bond girls!’

Bishr wondered, ‘It’s astounding for me that even though you are a European, you know how to speak Arabic well!?’ She replied, ‘Due to the great love of my grandfather [ancestor] toward me, he wanted for me to learn courtesy. Therefore, he got a bilingual female translator who knew Latin and Arabic, to teach me Arabic language every morning and evening, so that I became fluent.

Bishr said, ‘I took her to Sirr Mann Rai [Sammara] to be at the service of ImÄm AlÄ« al NaqÄ« (pbuh). The Excellency told the bond girl [Narjis], ‘How come The Almighty God gave you the honor of the religion of Islam and removed the humiliation of the Christian, and gave you the honor and dignity of Muḥammad (pbuh&h) and his Ahl al Bayt (pbu th)?’ She replied, ‘O, the Messenger of God (pbuh&h)’s son! How can I explain the thing to you, which you know better than me?!’ Then, the Excellency stated, ‘I’d like to give honor to you! Which one do you prefer: to give you ten thousand AshrafÄ«, or give you the good news of eternal honor?’

She answered, ‘I prefer the good tidings of eternal prosperity, not wealth!’ His Excellency reacted, ‘I give you good tiding with having the child who will be the king [leader] of the east and west of the world and will fill the earth with justice after it was filled with injustice

There, she wondered, ‘Who will have [be the father of] this child?!’ He stated, ‘The one whom the Messenger of God proposed him to you.’ And he continued, ‘Who did His Excellency Christ [pbuh] and his successor marry you to?’ She replied, ‘To your son, ImÄm Ḥasan AskarÄ« (pbuh).’

His Excellency stated, ‘Do you know him?’ She answered, ‘Since I converted to IslÄm through The Best Woman [Her Majesty FÄtimÄ (pbuh)]. There was no night, but the ImÄm come to my dream!’

There, the Excellency asked his servant KÄfÅ«r and stated, ‘Go and call my sister, ḤakÄ«ma KhatÅ«n!’

As Ḥakīma Khatūn entered, the Excellency stated, ‘Here is the bond girl whom I told you about.’ There, Ḥakīma Khatūn embraced her, patted her a lot, and got happy.

The Excellency stated, ‘O, the Messenger of God (pbuh&h)’s daughter! Take her to your house and teach her the obligations and Islamic tradition; she is Ḥasan AskarÄ« (pbuh)’s wife and the mother of SÄhib al Amr (mGehr)!’

Anyhow, based on the authentic documents, KulaynÄ«, Ibn BÄbawayh, Shaykh TÅ«sÄ«, Sayyid Murtaá¸Ä, and some other high- ranking Muhaddithin narrated from ḤakÄ«ma KhatÅ«n as follows:

Once day, ImÄm Ḥasan AskarÄ« (pbuh) gave me the honor and came to my house. He looked sharply at Narjis KhatÅ«n. There, I asked him, ‘If you love to see her, I will send her to you!’ He stated, ‘O, aunt! That looking sharply was because of wonder! Well, The Almighty God wants for this woman to give birth to a child, who spreads justice in the whole world while it will have been full of cruelty. [Again,] I asked, ‘Will I send her to you?’ He stated, ‘Ask my honorable father for permission.’

ḤakÄ«ma KhatÅ«n explained, ‘I wore my clothes and went to my brother “ImÄm AlÄ« al- NaqÄ« (pbuh)†’s house. As I greeted and sat down, without hearing any other word by me, he stated…



1-It was a coin equal to 3.45 grams of gold.

2_The Christ (pbuh) is entitled to “Rūḥ Allah†because he was born by the inspiration of Gabriel to Prophet Mary (pbuh).

3_ It’s a sort of respect.




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