The Class

April 27, 2019 0

Two things are observed in a class:First is a teacher, and second is a book.If a student has the book but not the teacher, s/ he won’t understand the lesson.Furthermore, if there is the teacher but not the book, the teacher can’t teach well.

The Nuisance of The Major Occultation Era

April 27, 2019 0

Know that, when nuisance happens,[First] they are questionable and deniable. But when it is uncovered, it will be awakening [in the end]. Nuisance circles around like the wind;

A prerequisite for Emergence…

April 15, 2019 0

AyatollÄh [Imam] Khomeini (May Allah bless his soul) said, “The glorious, Almighty God has favorably looked at this nation, and has strengthened their faith. This is a sign of BaqÄ«yyatullÄh1 [Imam MahdÄ« (mgehr)]’s Emergence.

Quran is Basic and centered, after the Emergence

April 15, 2019 0

In AmÄ«r al Mu’menÄ«n (pbuh)’s Nahj al- BalÄgha, it reads:When the promised peace maker Savior emerges, he will inspire and direct the desires and passions.There, people will prefer the guidance to their passions.

It is so different…!

March 30, 2019 1

There are differences between nations. [Some nations] are inactive and they are not slapped [stricken], but they regress day to day! They are being more miserable and subaltern, yet they are happy as, “We won’t be slapped!

 “Hard events of futureâ€

March 30, 2019 0

I see [spiritual sight] as if, a very misled is roaring in Sham, rushing, and installing his own flag around KÅ«fah. After he opens his mouth, he will violate and then overcame.

Diamond Tolerance

March 30, 2019 0

If we want to lift _for example a 100 Kg of _a very worthy object up through a 15-floor-building,  first we should examine the solidity of the rope, with a weigh heavier than 100 kg.To see if it is powerful enough, and can tolerate that worthy 100- kg. object or not

The Emergence certainly happens.

March 16, 2019 0

Be aware!Tomorrow, – the day which will definitely come and you do not have any knowledge of it_ the guardian and ruler [Imam Mahdī (mgehr)] will denounce [some of] the agents of the government for their actions, then punish them.