Five hundred years of ups and downs!

December 28, 2018 0

In these five centuries (about 524 years), the following were Abbasid caliphs, in turn:

SaffÄḥ, Manṣūr, MahdÄ«, HÄdÄ«, RashÄ«d, AmÄ«n, MaʾmÅ«n, MuÊ¿taá¹£im, WÄthiq, Mutawakkil, Muntaá¹£ir, MustaÊ¿Ä«n, MuÊ¿tazz, MuhtadÄ«, MuÊ¿tamid, MuÊ¿taá¸id, MuktafÄ«, Muqtadir, QÄhir, RÄá¸Ä«, MuttaqÄ«.

It took them some time, to believe and understand what had happened!

December 28, 2018 0

None of their [the enemies’] tricks work;

It took them some time, to believe and understand what had happened!

Thank to “Those who turn lead into gold1†as well as Divine attention, oracular auspices and the grace of the greatest BaqÄ«yyatullÄh2 (We’d sacrifice our lives for you) revolutionized the people.

The prayer of Nudba

December 28, 2018 0

One of the effects of having deep interest in Imam ZamÄn (mgehr) is, our Imam will (mgehr) consider, accept and select us as a helper and a companion.

So, we should last our love to Imam ZamÄn (mgehr). 

Hadiths of the Imams

November 26, 2018 0

If an individual’s good deed turns them pleased and bad deed turns them upset, they are certainly a believer.

The concept’ faithful’ doesn’t mean’ infallible’. The infallible never ever does wrong, but a faithful may slip somewhere and does something wrong.

The difference between a faithful and others is that, the faithful never gets happy for the wrong they did, even if all admire them. Likewise, they never get sad and regretful for the good deed they did, while all blame them.

[The need] to know a Guide

November 26, 2018 0

Imam ‘AlÄ« (pbuh) stated,

“God blesses the one who knows where [s/ he has originated] from, where [s/ he lives] in,

and where [s/ he goes] to.â€

As the mankind is to pave the path of The Almighty God,

The people who look forward to the Emergence …, as well.

November 26, 2018 0

Finally the third type are the ones who in addition to self- improving and reforming others, strive to confront the oppressed ones to the point of death; like what the right corps did in the battle Ä€shÅ«rÄ. This mentality will be clearly observed among 313 companions of [Imam ZamÄn (mgehr)]

The greatest wish and honor

November 24, 2018 0

My [the leader’s] greatest wish and honor is to give my life in this honorable, graceful and joyful way.

The helmsmen [controllers] of The [Major] Occultation Era!

November 24, 2018 0

Imam HÄdÄ« (pbuh) stated:

 In The Major Occultation Era of our QĒim [Imam Mahdī (mgehr)], if there weren’t scholars, the erudite

who invited to him [Imam Mahdī (mgehr)], defended the religion, and saved the frustrated servants of God from the traps of  Satan and enemies,