The conditions of receiving the Unseen [divine] Helps

January 27, 2023 0

According to the divine principles in the True religions, God helps to whoever He wants [deserves].1 However, as His will is of His wisdom, there are some disciplines and conditions to receive the specific helps. The most important of them, are as:

1-    Faith

Why are we expected to pray for ImÄm ZamÄn (mgehr)’s health?

January 27, 2023 0

Every one of us has annoyed him for many years. While, [if we were him,] we wouldn’t tolerate even one second of it. As if, the ImÄm (mgehr) were one of the least important people in society; one of the lowest class people of society_ we seek refuge in God! Yet, we pray for his health “Be a guardian, a protector (ولیاً Ùˆ حاÙظاً)â€. Also after the pilgrim “Ale Yasinâ€, we recite “O God, protect him from the evil of every transgressor and disobedient ((Ù…ÙÙ† شرّ کلّ باغ٠و طاغ, and from the evil of all your creatures, and protect him.”

Diamond Tolerance

March 30, 2019 0

If we want to lift _for example a 100 Kg of _a very worthy object up through a 15-floor-building,  first we should examine the solidity of the rope, with a weigh heavier than 100 kg.To see if it is powerful enough, and can tolerate that worthy 100- kg. object or not

the Possibility of the Superior

February 23, 2019 0

By observing the crowd of humans with just some perfections, we realize the essence of “Imam [MahdÄ« (mgehr)’s] presenceâ€. He is the noblest and has all perfections.

SuhrawardÄ« said, “Whenever a possible humble (weak human being) is created, it requires that the superior possible (an Infallible Imam (pbuh)) must have been created before”.

Control Tower

February 23, 2019 0

The same is with the important and delicate issue as†MahdÄ«smâ€, which needs a control tower.

There should be a room to observe all Mahdavī plans in, and also plans and programs for the Mahdavī centers.

Unseen bounty

February 16, 2018 0

: Do ye not see that Allah has subjected to your (use) all things in the heavens and on earth, and has made his bounties flow to you in exceeding measure, (both) seen and unseen? Yet there are among men those who dispute about Allah, without knowledge and without guidance, and without a Book to enlighten them! (Holy Qur`an, Surah LUQMAN, verse 20)