The complexions clarify the insides [when Imam Qa`em (mgehr) arises]

May 11, 2018 0

‘Does God need to know guilty people by their marks, despite the fact that he created them?!’

I asked [again], ‘May I be thy ransomed! What is the meaning of the verse, then?’

 The Imam (pbuh) stated, ‘When Imam Qa`em (mgehr) arises, God gives (grant) him the science of knowing [sinners by] their marks (so he knows them by their complexions and confronts them, then)”


May 11, 2018 0

Imagine you leave a lamp by a child, to heat and light.

But, he stones at people because of ignorance!

So, you may pick up the lamp to prevent more damage

[Here], picking the lamp up is not because you fear or you are unable against the child!

Why only God should determines Imam?

May 11, 2018 0

[Once I was at Imam al-Askari (pbuh)’s house]. I asked his son; [Imam] Mahdi (mgehr),

‘Why aren’t people permitted to choose their Imam by themselves?’

He stated, ‘Who do you mean? A righteous or a corrupted Imam”?

I said, ‘I mean the Imam and leader who is righteous.’

He stated, ‘You are not aware of other people’s thoughts!’

Imam Khomeini (r.i.p.)

May 10, 2018 0

1. Explorations will be made by his command.

2. Inventors will provide their expertise to him, or will use his majesty (mgehr)’s expertise and knowledge.

3. People’s mindset level rises.

4. There will be also invisible divine blessings [from God] 

Gospel [enunciation] of the savior’s emergence in Hindu sources

May 10, 2018 0

The world cycles will be over.

Then, in the Last Era a just king who is the leader of humans, fairies and angels will emerge.

He is right and all the truth is with him. He will gain all the hidden things in seas, lands and mountains

And will tell of the heavens and the earth.

USB Flash

May 10, 2018 0

Consider a USB Flash;

a metal that does not exceed one centimeter in dimensions.

[But] it can transmit the data as big as even a library, once it is connected to a computer.

Now, if there remains a question for an individual that how Imam Zaman (mgehr) became an Imam in his childhood,

we will reply, “This human-made USB flash can receive and store much information once it is connected.

“Saoshyant” The savior in Zoroastrianism

May 8, 2018 0

Saoshyant means “One who brings benefit”.

In the book of Prophet Zoroaster (pbuh) “Avesta”, Saoshyant   has different spelling such as: Shushyant, Sushians, Sushans, Susyus and Syusush.

[By reading] the religious Zoroastrian books like:  YaĆĄts, The Bundahishn “Denkard”, ” Zand and Hooman Yasn, Jamasp Namag, etc,

one can find out the meaning of Saoshyant or Sushians.

Another book from Sunnis scholars about Imam Mahdī (mgehr)

May 8, 2018 0

Abd al-Raáž„mān ibn Abi-Bakr Siyuáč­i [Deceased in 911AH], started his book “Al-កāwÄ« Lilfatāwā” with these sentences:

‘It’s a chapter, in which I collected the hadiths and traditions about MahdÄ« (mgehr)

I briefly mentioned, the forty hadiths that “Hāfiz Abu Na’Ä«m” had presented.

In addition, I added and encoded in “K” whatever he hadn’t mentioned.

Circumambulating Ka`bah

May 8, 2018 0

Indeed, people have been instructed to; come toward these rocks.

And circumambulate around them,

Then come to us,

And inform us about their obedience. [They are expected to love and obey their Imams (pbu th)].


May 8, 2018 0

“I am seeing1 Sufyāni who deployed [his troops] in KĆ«fah square.

And his crier calls,” Whoever brings heads of Ali’s Shiites, will be gifted one thousand Dirham.”
1-           Imams, Prophet Muhammad, other prophets (pbu th), and other great majesties had the power of spiritual seeing; because of their piety and other spiritual features. So, the word” seeing” here refers to this type.