Like the Coat and Cotyledon of a seed

July 31, 2019 0

Some people are just coat, and some others are cotyledon![Give a seed as an example, some people have superficial sights. But others have deep sights.]But mind that, both coat and cotyledon are needed for a seed, to sprout and grow…

Being paved the way of the emergence

July 31, 2019 0

Thanks to Allah’s wishes, we will break the oppressors’ hands for their encroachment and oppression in Islamic countries. And will put an end to the supremacy of imperialism’s oppression through rise of [our] revolution –which actually is the rise of true revolution and expressing Muḥammad (pbuh&h) [Islamic]’s laws. With Allah’s help, we will pave The way for the emergence of the saviour, the universal peacemaker, the absolute Imamate of truth; ImÄm ZamÄn (May our soul be sacrificed for him.)

All united; the refuge of The Just

June 24, 2019 0

 They have given us this promise; when Imam ZamÄn (mgehr) emerges, these disagreements will disappear. And all the people will live together like brothers. There won’t be bullies or forcefulness anymore…

Let’s do not make him ashamed!

June 19, 2019 0

If we claim that we are followers of and Shia of that honorable Imam; I am afraid if the Imam [Imam MahdÄ« (mgher)] sees our dossier of deeds, Na’ūdhu billÄh [we seek refuge in Allah], he will become ashamed!If a child of you does wrong, you will become ashamed! If your servant does wrong, you will become ashamed [too]!


June 19, 2019 0

“Big Pacifier” to close mouth of people!!People inherently need the united and integrated governmental organization to support their rights;Human knows that oppression is bad, so Earth must have a judge owner![Well,] the United Nations says, “Let me provide the security that you want.”

the Satan s’ plan

June 11, 2019 0

A large number of elites who are the main heads of the world’s affairs, are affected by disappointment and despair, so they influence their nations by these disappointment and despair!!And they dissuade them [the nations] from changing the cruel and evil plan of the world today.It is obvious that disappointed people cannot do anything to correct things!!

A soldier or an imposer!

May 21, 2019 0

O, brothers! I certainly know what you have in mind.But, you don’t have any power?!You know, the insurgents have still possessed their enormity and power.Well, they have control on us but we don’t!