The one who completes Imト[ 盧、usayn’s (pbuh) Journey…

December 1, 2019 0

Imト[ 盧、usayn (pbuh) headed toward Kナォfah [as he had been requested], in order to set there the headquarters of Islト[ic jurisdiction, like his gracious father [Imト[ ハソAlトォ (pbuh)].

[But] when the political atmosphere changed in Kナォfah, the very inviters blocked the road to the Imト[ (pbuh)!!

Yet, he settled in Karbalト inevitably, in 2nd Mu盧・arram.

Giving Sufyanトォ and his followers,ツan ultimatum

December 1, 2019 0

ツImト[ Mahdトォ (mgehr) will invite them, and reminds them his truthfulness. He will inform them that he is oppressed and his right will have been usurped, by force.

He will state, 窶聾hoever bickers me over God, [must know that], I am the most deserving and nearest to God窶ヲ窶

However, Sufyanトォ will disobey The Excellency. Yet, The Excellency will set off to cleanse the world from his existence.

窶弋he Divine Call窶 in Qurハセト]

November 9, 2019 0

If We wish We will send down to them a sign from the sky before which their heads will remain bowed in humility. (Sナォrat Al- Shuハソarト/ Verse 4)

Among A盧・ト‥トォth, there are 9 narrations which agree that the above verse refers to The Divine Call. Five of them are authentic documents. I respectfully draw your attention to this reliable narration:

He was going toward the bathroom, but 窶ヲ

November 5, 2019 0

As they will have become well- prepared, the special companions of Imト[ Zamト] (mgehr) will gather in Mecca, once they hear his majesty (mgehr)’s Call [at the moment of Emergence]

They are such well-prepared that even if they are doing the most important job of the world, they will leave it and hasten to the help the Imト[ (mgehr).

The ponderable comment of some scholars about crying for Imam Hu盪」ayn (pbuh)

October 9, 2019 0

They [the scholars] believe that one type of crying in Imam Hu盪」ayn (pbuh)窶冱 rite, is crying of fear.

It means that a person should fear, lest s/ he is among the inviters who wrote the letters and said,

“Our garden are ready, our streams are flowing and our farms are fresh and green and we are just looking forward to you [Imam Hu盪」ayn (pbuh)] to come here.窶

September 24, 2019 0

Be sure we shall test you with something of fear and hunger, some loss in goods or lives or the fruits (of your toil), but give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere.

Abu Basire1 has narrated from Imト[ Sadトォq (pbuh), that His Excellency stated:

Fire from burning the wood of Tamarisk Tree

August 24, 2019 0

Do you know what “Tamarisk” is?[Once] The Holy Prophet (pbuh&h) stated, 窶廾, God! Show me my brothers!窶 His companions wondered, 窶廣ren’t we your brothers?!窶扎is Majesty [the Prophet (pbuh&h)] stated, 窶朗o! You are my companions! [But] my brothers are the people who will live in The Last Era. They will believe in me, although they will not see me.


June 24, 2019 0

The story of Imam Zamト] (mgehr) and us, is like the story of a hollow next to a sea.[Well, hollows should not consider themselves deep]If the hollow is joint to the sea through (even a narrow) stream,