KarbalÄ is the bridge to The Emergence

February 11, 2025 0

ImÄm Huá¹£ayn (pbuh)’s uprising is not confined to a specific time and place.! While supporting Husayn ibn Ali (pbuh) meant, attending in ““Military Front of KarbalÄâ€â€, supporting Ḥujjat ibn al Haá¹£an [ImÄm ZamÄn (mGehr)] means, attending in the “The Soft Intellectual Cultural Frontâ€

The Helpers in AshurÄ didn’t fear from swords’ and spears’ wounds; so that, they even smiled at the face of martyrdom.

Justice of Imam Ali (peace be upon him) with a Christian man

January 15, 2025 0

Imam Ali saw his stolen armor in the hands of a Christian man. He brought him before the judge and he himself sat next to the Christian man.

Then he said: This is my armor. The Christian man said this is my armor, but Amir al-Mu’minin does not lie either.

The judge said to Imam Ali: Do you have any witnesses?

The features of ImÄm AlÄ« (pbuh)’s Shiite

November 5, 2024 0

There is an astounding narration by ImÄm KÄdhim (pbuh), which is as follows:

If I investigate among my Shiites, I see that they only claim to act! And if I test them, they will turn to commit heresy (disbelief)!

If I purify them, there will be just one pure and honest among one thousands! Also, if I sift the people, just my special ones and family members will be around me!

To have a calm and joyful life, the religion taught us many techniques

July 27, 2024 0

Not only did religion provide some programs for us to have a calm life, but also it persisted in it. This calmness has various aspects: physical, mental, personal, social, vocational, and non-vocational. It also includes the ways to eat, wear clothes, have private affairs among the married ones, sleep calmly, relationships with neighbors and friends.

On the whole, if you want to figure out whether you are close to God or not, you can see whether you are calm or not!

Repent for each moment, you haven’t had tranquility!

July 27, 2024 0

Many discomforts bring forth sin in humans! Also, there are some discomforts that are typically sins; therefore, the sinners are to repent.

Now pray, “O, God! I repent for each moment, I haven’t had tranquility!â€

According to ImÄm AlÄ« (pbuh)’s words, “The faithful/ believers enjoy both spiritualties [celestial] and the world [terrestrial], compared to others!†(Nahj al BalÄghah, the Letters 27)

Why is that? It’s because, religion teaches the techniques of enjoying the world, through its psychological techniques.

   About ImÄm ZamÄn (mGehr)’s honorable mother

July 10, 2024 0

When the ships that carry the captives landed on the shore, you can see a crowd of bondmen. Also, a group of deputies of Bani AbbÄs’s Emirs and a few Arab young men will gather around them. All day long, you have to be on the lookout for the slaver named “Amroo ibn YazÄ«dâ€. You will wait up to the time, he will introduce the bondwoman who has such and such features… she will wear a silk clothes.

1-It was a coin equal to 3.45 grams of gold.

There are two ways to reduce suffering: To choose some appropriate [meaningful] suffering, and to welcome the suffering which God considered for us  

July 10, 2024 0

One of the ways to reduce suffering is to choose some of the suffering ourselves! After accepting the philosophy of suffering, a wise individual will mention, “As I cannot get rid of suffering, I will choose some of them myself [and embrace it].†If we choose a positive and meaningful suffering, God will reduce our suffering two or more times; such as by giving alms/donations or so on. Although giving alms is a little suffering, poverty is making you suffer more!

The Solution for Divorce is Trust in Allah.

July 10, 2024 0

This verse tells us that love (not other attributes that we may think are love, but actual love), will come only after belief.  Interestingly this verse comes at the end of Surah Maryam and lady Maryam was the mother whose practices created for her a prophet son who brought love to the world and through this heart ability of his (Allah’s gift), was able to bring the dead to life with the permission of Allah. 

While ImÄm MahdÄ« (mGehr)’s Hujjah [Mahdaviiat] was clear, why did some Shiites consider “Nafs al- Zakiyyah1†or “Muḥammad ibn Hanafiyyah†as ImÄm MahdÄ« (mGehr)?!

July 10, 2024 0

Although in some AḥÄdÄ«th which are about ImÄm MahdÄ« (mGehr)’s rise, by the Messenger of God (pbuh&h) and his Ahl al Bayt (pbu th), it has been clarified that he is definitely the son of 11th ImÄm “AskarÄ« (pbuh)â€, because the people knew all Ahl al Bayt (pbu th) as “The best guide for people†and “Guided By Godâ€; therefore, facing cruelty and violation, they took refuge to one of them as “ImÄm MahdÄ« (mGehr)†[It was a sort of psychological need to a divine ImÄm]. They would also take some other people with themselves.