Mahdi (mgehr) who will fill the earth with justice and equity
Indeed, my eleventh son is Mahdi (mgehr) who will fill the earth with justice and equity; as it was filled with injustice and oppression.
Indeed, my eleventh son is Mahdi (mgehr) who will fill the earth with justice and equity; as it was filled with injustice and oppression.
 And one of the greatest similarities I can create with Imam Zaman (mgehr), is to be equipped with the Mahdī (mgehr)’s justice.
And Mahdī (mgehr)’s justice means, to prioritize everything. [For example] to pray, sleep and have food all in their proper times.
It [also] means I must step in a path that is all about light. And I must never wrong myself; as oppression is contrary to justice.
Whoever has always Imam Zaman (mgehr) in their mind, won’t be willing to commit sin.
Ayatollah Bahjat (rah):
[These days, some people’s] hearts are empty of faith and light of knowledge.
[Try] to find hearts alive with faith and remembrance of God.
Then I will give my words, that Imam Zaman (mgehr) is present there [the people with those hearts, may have the chance of visiting the Imam (mgehr)].
A lover tries and provide comfort; not for themselves but for their beloved.
So, you [who love the Imam (mgehr)] are expected to deal with the duties that the Imam does.
Is he a mediator [to fulfill our wishes and] to gift us bread [livelihood], wives and children??
These can be fulfilled via other mediators too!
He [the imam (mgehr)] is a medium for reaching, being directed and moving [toward God].
We are expected to request him the direction.
when Wali al-‘Asr1 [Imam Zaman (mgehr)] emerges, Â both the dead who spend their burial night and the ones who are in intermediate state feel lots of joy.
In other words, even the deceased believers are affected by this physical world.
All God’s love and affection, come to us through the Perfect men; namely Imams (pbu th); [who are] the Caliphs of Allah.
By bringing up love, heart attraction; enthusiasm and tendency as powerful levers, [we] can introduce and lead [people] to know Imam Zaman (mgehr).
[It is] the lever which will create lasting motifs.
Serving Imam Mahdi (mgehr) is not something easy
To serve The Great Savior who wants to “fight with all the dictator and corrupted international centers,
it needs self-development, awareness and clairvoyance.
Today it is our duty to walk that path, in orderto become prepared for his majesty [Imam Mahdī (mgehr)]’s presence;
I know your heart is the most painful
This is a [just] some of the thirst  [plead] of Earth.
Oh, god! Hurry [Imam Zaman (mgehr)]’s emergence
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