The savior in Hinduism

September 19, 2018 0

In Hinduism there is a promised savior named “Kaliki” who will emerge, before dooms day.

On a white horse, Kalki (Kulika or Kalki-king) will emerge like a meteor while has a sword in his hand.

[He emerges, to eradicate evil and cruelty and establish justice and virtue 


September 19, 2018 0

Do the ones who look forward to sunrise stay in darkness, at night?

[Or], do the ones who look forward to arriving spring, endure chill in winter?

Providing light at night and warmth in the winter, both are to welcome the sun and spring.

“The world in the Emergence Era” to Judaism

September 19, 2018 0

  God will enlighten the world with his [own] light…

1- And Divine nature will command the sun to heal the ones, whose conditions haven’t been treated yet.

2-By God’s command, there will be flowing water from Jerusalem. And all the sick will be healed through it.

3& 4- [God] will force the trees to bring fruit every month and whoever eat them, will be healed.

Justice is the mystery of creation and stability of the universe.

August 2, 2018 0

The holy Prophet [Muḥammad (pbuh&h)] stated:

I give you glad tidings to [the emergence of] Mahdī (mgehr).

He will rise when people are engaged in oppositions, conflicts and riots.

And he will fill the world with Justice and equality; as it was once filled with oppression.

Emotional attachment with Imam Zaman (mgehr)

August 2, 2018 0

  الا بذکز الله تطمئن القلوب

For without doubt in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction (Holy Qur`an, Surah AL-RAD, verse 28)

[Here] “The remembrance of Allah” in which hearts find satisfaction with, refers to Imam Zaman (mgehr).

Justice in Imam Ali (pbuh)’s social behavior

August 2, 2018 0

They answered, “We [just] like to follow you.”

 Amīr al-Mu’minīn Ali (pbuh) stated,

“Come back! If pedestrians follow riders, it causes the pedestrians feel humiliated and ashamed.

And also makes the riders proud and ill- mannered.

Always having the beloved in mind

August 2, 2018 0

 “For without doubt, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction.” It means, hearts will be calm via Muḥammad (pbuh). Because, he is the words [he expresses the words] of God and the mediator between God and people.

Imam Sādiq (pbuh):

 “For without doubt, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction.” It means, hearts will be calm via Muḥammad (pbuh). Because, he is the words [he expresses the words] of God and the mediator between God and people.

The most valuable organ of a human is his/her heart,

August 2, 2018 0

Mind seeks for the Imam (mgehr) [tries to love him through ration]. But the one that welcomes the Imam is heart. 

Knowledge is source of affection.

affection originate from? [It originates] from knowledge. [So], where does

When someone loves another, you can be sure the lover has experienced beauty, perfection, and goodness

, in his /her beloved’s appearance, mind, soul, action, and behavior.