Satirizing the anticipators!

June 6, 2017 0

It’s considered in the secound Peter’s epistle: “While, they will satirize the belief of Jasus further return!” (1)

In Matthew’s evangel said: “while me; behest Jasus, gloriously and along all my angels, return, then I’ll perch on my glorious throne.

Afterward all ground’s nations will repel me and I’ll disperse them as a herdsman who detach sheeps by goats…” (2)

The last Savior in the Quran

June 6, 2017 0

Throughout history, the masses of people were waiting for “the savior” to get rid of misfortune and suffer!

In the Quran, the word “save” is coming with the same word “Najaynah”… As Noah saved from drowning in the Great Flood! And Lot saved from the city of sinners! And Israelites saved from pharaohs!!