USB Flash

May 10, 2018 0

Consider a USB Flash;

a metal that does not exceed one centimeter in dimensions.

[But] it can transmit the data as big as even a library, once it is connected to a computer.

Now, if there remains a question for an individual that how Imam Zaman (mgehr) became an Imam in his childhood,

we will reply, “This human-made USB flash can receive and store much information once it is connected.

God`s promise

May 9, 2018 0

: Allah has promised, to those among you who believe and work righteous deeds, that He will, of a surety, grant them in the land, inheritance (of power), as He granted it to those before them; that He will establish in authority their religion – the one which He has chosen for them; and that He will change (their state), after the fear in which they (lived), to one of security and peace:
.( Holy Qur`an, Surah Al-Noor, verse 55)

“Saoshyant” The savior in Zoroastrianism

May 8, 2018 0

Saoshyant means “One who brings benefit”.

In the book of Prophet Zoroaster (pbuh) “Avesta”, Saoshyant   has different spelling such as: Shushyant, Sushians, Sushans, Susyus and Syusush.

[By reading] the religious Zoroastrian books like:  YaĆĄts, The Bundahishn “Denkard”, ” Zand and Hooman Yasn, Jamasp Namag, etc,

one can find out the meaning of Saoshyant or Sushians.

Another book from Sunnis scholars about Imam Mahdī (mgehr)

May 8, 2018 0

Abd al-Raáž„mān ibn Abi-Bakr Siyuáč­i [Deceased in 911AH], started his book “Al-កāwÄ« Lilfatāwā” with these sentences:

‘It’s a chapter, in which I collected the hadiths and traditions about MahdÄ« (mgehr)

I briefly mentioned, the forty hadiths that “Hāfiz Abu Na’Ä«m” had presented.

In addition, I added and encoded in “K” whatever he hadn’t mentioned.


May 8, 2018 0

“I am seeing1 Sufyāni who deployed [his troops] in KĆ«fah square.

And his crier calls,” Whoever brings heads of Ali’s Shiites, will be gifted one thousand Dirham.”
1-           Imams, Prophet Muhammad, other prophets (pbu th), and other great majesties had the power of spiritual seeing; because of their piety and other spiritual features. So, the word” seeing” here refers to this type.

So beautiful (Ahl al Bayt1 (pbu th) in Qur`an)

May 8, 2018 0

Once I went to KĆ«fah mosque

and saw Imam Ali (pbuh). He was writing something by his finger and had a smile on his lips.”

I asked, ‘O, Amir Al mu`minin2! What happened?’

The Imam (pbuh) stated:

I wonder when a person reads the following verse,

Some important questions!

May 6, 2018 0

In the threshold of Minor Occultation, what was happening in the west of Iran?

What happened in Sāmarrā and how did it end?

What areas were under the influence of enemies and what were they doing?

How were Shiites in terms of political, social and mindset levels?


May 6, 2018 0

កujjat al-Islām Ghera’ati said:

Before starting a match, they practice to succeed and win the medal in the field.

We also practice [obedience] in the present time, by listening to the words of the leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran.

In this way, we will follow and obey Imam-e-Zaman (hgr)’s command in the emergence era.