All united; the refuge of The Just

June 24, 2019 0

 They have given us this promise; when Imam ZamÄn (mgehr) emerges, these disagreements will disappear. And all the people will live together like brothers. There won’t be bullies or forcefulness anymore…

 The duties of The System of The Advocates

June 11, 2019 0

By examining historical evidences, we conclude that the system of advocates didn’t just aim at collecting: the five predicable, ZakÄt2, charity and vows. But for some reasons, acquisition of property was in relation with political issues.[Here are] some of the duties of this organization:Guiding the Shiites,Debating with the opponents,

Lest a time…!

June 3, 2019 0

All of you; Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, organizations, committees, and all communities who want to serve this country! Pay attention to the fact that all of you are servants of Islam…

Eyelashes (The Lifespan of Imam Mahdī (mgehr))

May 5, 2019 0

Usually, when the length of the eyebrows and eyelashes reach a certain level, they stay constant and do not grow, even after decades.While the hair and facial hair [hair and facial hair are 4 fingers apart], grow and change.Although both feed on skin, meat, blood, food and oxygen,

The Class

April 27, 2019 0

Two things are observed in a class:First is a teacher, and second is a book.If a student has the book but not the teacher, s/ he won’t understand the lesson.Furthermore, if there is the teacher but not the book, the teacher can’t teach well.

Two Liters of Tears

April 21, 2019 0

We always say, “O’ Ḥujjat-ibn-al-Hasan1! May God expedite your reappearanceâ€Well, what will we do if Imam ZamÄn (mgehr) emerges now?How can they pretend to look forward to the Emergence, the ones who [even] did not play any role in the revolution2?!

Even in the hospital

April 21, 2019 0

He [Imam Khomeini] was accustomed to MafÄtīḥ al-JinÄn1, even when he was hospitalized.When he passed away and we brought his MafÄtīḥ home,we understood that he had written a start date -8th of Shawwal- next to the ‘Ahad2 prayer. He used to recite this prayer for forty mornings…

A prerequisite for Emergence…

April 15, 2019 0

AyatollÄh [Imam] Khomeini (May Allah bless his soul) said, “The glorious, Almighty God has favorably looked at this nation, and has strengthened their faith. This is a sign of BaqÄ«yyatullÄh1 [Imam MahdÄ« (mgehr)]’s Emergence.


April 15, 2019 0

A lot of people have asked me, ‘What should we do to meet Imam ZamÄn (mgehr)?’I replied,If you don’t commit sin with your eyes, you will deserve meeting [the Imam (mgehr].[For example,] if you mix Henna with water in a dish, the dish will smell Henna even after washing.If someone commits sin with her/ his eyes, they will be contaminated.