Typology of ImÄm ZamÄn (mGehr)’s during his rise

August 8, 2023 0

a-    Hypocrites

The first group who line up against His Excellency MahdÄ« (mGehr), are polytheists and disbelievers. Well, they claim that they are the head of people of the world. So, they see liberating movement of ImÄm MahdÄ« (mGehr) as a ban for their improper benefits.

Anyhow, the way of His Excellency Mahdī (mGehr)’s deals with them, is as same as the Prophet (pbuh&h)’s.

some responsibilities of the people who look forward to the Emergence

January 16, 2023 0

1-    Trying to know the Excellency [ImÄm MahdÄ« (mgehr)]’s characteristics, mentality and personality.

2-    Observing politeness towards him.

3-    Expressing the affection to him, in an especial way.

4-    Letting the people know he is precious.