In the name of Allah the Compassionate, the Merciful
Imam Mahdī (mgehr) have governed humans’ hearts, before he (mgehr) governs people’s lives or the universal society.
The tendency of ordinary people to his majesty [Imam Mahdī (mgehr)]
Ways of having affectionate relationship with the Imam (mgehr):
In this regard, we introduce some ways to heal from neglecting the merciful friend [the Imam (mgehr)].
And to make hearts love him:
Creating similarity [with the Imam (mgehr)]:
Totally, a human [‘s soul] has three phases: thoughts, characteristics, and acts.
Whoever wants to get closer to others,
S/ he has to have similar believes, faith, characteristics, and behaviors with them.
So the first step to have a steady relationship and affection to the Imam (mgehr),
is having similarity with the spiritual presence of his majesty [Imam Mahdi (mgehr)].
For example the one who looks forward to The Savior, should care for saving other’s lives.
In fact the one who devotes her/his life for saving others’ lives, becomes similar to The Savior.
The one who looks forward to The Savior, cares for others and spends time for others’ life.
And s/he cares for others’ children as like as theirs,
[s/ he believes in this expression:]
Love for Others What You Love for Yourself.