He said,” I prayed but “Allah” didn’t answer my call!”

He said,” I prayed but “Allah” didn’t answer my call!”

When you look at him, you see he is clean-shaven!  With Side whiskers! He has golden necklace

We wonder,” It is not surprising if “Allah” refused his wishing!

But it is uncommon if “Allah refuses our wishing!

This is what is called “insolence”.

Once “Bishr-ibn mansur” was praying, and a person was watching and encouraging him for his praying! How long prostration…, well down man!

After he finished his pray, he said:

Don’t be surprised and sure of my pray.

I know someone, when he was praying the angels stood in queues and followed him. But now the dwellers of Hell disdain from him!

That person asked,” who is that?

Bishr answered,” He is “Iblis”


Source:” Kimiya-e-Saadat “.  Ghazali, M. Vol. 2, P.277