why did Imam Zaman`s mother convert to Islam from Christianity?

March 6, 2020 0

I told him, ‘O’ my dear! Why haven’t you let me visit your majesty, after that you made me fall in your love?’

The Excellency stated,  ‘This delay, was just because you were an unbeliever. Now that you have become a Muslim, I am going to visit you every night until The Almighty God get us together in appearance and change this separation to an arrive.’

The matchmaking ceremony of Imam Zaman`s mother – part 4

February 19, 2020 0

] after I woke up of that glorifying dream, I didn’t express it to my grandfather. And I kept this affluent treasure in my heart. But the fire of love for that sun of Imāmate’s sky got blazing, day to day. It made me impatient and restless, so much that I couldn’t drink and eat anymore.

How did mother of Imam Zamān (mgehr) come to Baghdad ? – part 2

January 26, 2020 0

You are to watch from a distance to see a slaver who is named Amroo ibn Yazīd, for the entire day. Then, he will introduce a bondwoman with the following characters.’ Then the Excellency started to explain her like this: She is wearing a full covering silk dress, and also she would not let the customers look at or touch her.

Mother of Majesty Imam Zamān (mgehr) – part 1

January 24, 2020 0

One day Imām Alie al- NaqÄ« (pbuh)’s servant; KafĆ«r came to me and asked me to visit The Excellency. When I went to him and sat there, The Excellency stated, ‘You are of Ansari’s children. And from the time of the Messenger of God [Prophet Muhammade (pbuh&h)] till now, we; Ahl al- Bayt, have granted our wilaya[8] and affection to all of you. We have always trusted on you. So I have chosen you and will explain what you should know. Then, you can be the superior among the other Shiites in our wilaya. Also I reveal other secrets for you. Well, I am going to send you to buy a bondwoman.