A great crowd learned about imam Mahdi’s blessed birth

March 31, 2021 0

The miracles which happened to his mother Narjis KhÄtÅ«n [mgbhs], at the time of The Excellency’s birth, were too many to be counted and accounted! However, I have mentioned them in the books “BihÄr al AnwÄr, Jala’ al-‘Uyun, and some other treatises.

how does the promised savior looks like?

August 19, 2020 0

his face looks like his majesty’s. Referring to narrations, his Excellency’s face is a mix of fair skin with a rosy and swarthy complexion. [Yet,] it has turned pale for being awake at nights [to perform night prayer]. And his soft forehead is wide, fair and bright.

learning more about the promised saviour.

July 21, 2020 0

His Majesty stated: “When my grandfather, ImÄm Ḥusayn (pbuh) martyred, angels began to cry and lament to God, and said,’ O’ God, our Lord! Are you going to ignore those who slayed the one you selected “grandson of your beloved prophet (pbuh&h) and the best of creaturesâ€?

what is the meaning of name Gharim for promised saviour ?

July 7, 2020 0

Gharim can mean both a “Debtor†and a “Creditorâ€. Here, it looks to mean the first one. This tile was given to him because of TaqÄ«yah, like the title QulÄm [an adolescent boy]. As the Shiites used to send him or his Four Deputies, some money, write wills or borrow some [money] from him, they called him “Gharimâ€.

other names for the promised saviour

June 27, 2020 0

Muḥammad b. Ê¿UthmÄn Ê¿AmrÄ« has narrated, “When our Lord, his majesty SÄhib al Amr (mgehr) was born, the Excellency ImÄm Haá¹£an AskarÄ« (pbuh) asked for […]

Where is my Imam ?

June 25, 2020 0

You are “The Guided by me†among my servants. I swear by my essence [The essence of God] that if they [people] obey you, I will reward them for their good deeds. But whoever disobeys you, I will punish him.

I will forgive my servants, for your intercession and guidance.

Birthday of the promised saviour

April 5, 2020 0

In the morning, she will show the signs of pregnancy. Well, her case is like Moses (pbuh)’s mother’s; she hadn’t had changed at all, till she gave birth to the child. And no one had known that she was pregnant. Yet, Pharaoh would tear the pregnant women’s bellies to find Moses (pbuh). Now, this son is similar to His Excellency Moses (pbuh), in this situation.

Who will be the father of that child?

March 22, 2020 0

She replied, ‘I don’t want Ashrafi! I want the [everlasting] honor.’ His Excellency stated, ‘[If so], I want to give you the glad tiding to an offspring who will become the lord of the west and the east. He will fill the world with justice and righteous; after it is filled with oppression and injustice.

Now look forward to my son

March 22, 2020 0

When I said these holy words, her majesty Sayyidat NisÄ’ Fatima (PBUH) embraced me tightly, consoled me, then stated:

Now look forward to my son; I will send him to you.

At that moment I woke up. I had looked forward to his Excellency’s gracious visit, while I was repeating those two holy words. The next night when I fell asleep, his majesty’s handsome face enlightened my dream, like a sun.