The matchmaking ceremony of Imam Zaman`s mother – part 4

There His Majesty, the Messenger of God (pbuh&h) stated, ‘O, Rooh- u- Allah[1]! We are here to propose marriage for Malika and my prosperous son [offspring], from your successor’s [grand] daughter “Sham’oon [Simeon (mgbs)].â€â€™

Then he pointed to the moon of the Caliphate and ImÄmate’s Tower[2], His Excellency ImÄm Haá¹£an AskarÄ« (PBUH) and kept on. ‘He is the son of whom, you have given his letter to me.’

His Excellency [prophet Jesus the Christ (PBUH)] cast a glance at Sham’oon (rah) and stated, ‘You are going to be dignified in the world and here after! Permit your [granddaughter] marry to Āle Muḥammad (pbu th)[3]. Sham’oon reacted, ‘Sure!’

There, all of them went up that pulpit and His Excellency, the Messenger of God gave a speech. Also, they [Their Excellencies the Christ and the Messenger of God (pbu th)] concluded a marriage contract between me and ImÄm Haá¹£an AskarÄ« (PBUH). Meanwhile, His Majesty, the Messenger of God (pbuh&h) and Apostles[4] were witness.

[However] after I woke up of that glorifying dream, I didn’t express it to my grandfather. And I kept this affluent treasure in my heart. But the fire of love for that sun of ImÄmate’s sky got blazing, day to day. It made me impatient and restless, so much that I couldn’t drink and eat anymore.

Gradually, my face became thin and my body became weak. And the hidden love became apparent. Yet, there was no doctor in the cities there, but my grandfather asked them to come and cure me. But it was useless!

One day, after my grandfather had became hopeless to cure me, he asked me, ‘O, the light of my eyes! Is there any hope or any wish, I can fulfill for you?

I replied, ‘O, my grandfather! I see the doors of healing are closed to me! But if you don’t continue torturing and bothering the refuge Muslims who are in your prison, untie their bonds and chains, and free them, I hope His Excellency the Christ and his mother (pbu th) heal me.’

He did what I said, and I showed up that I was a little better, and ate a little food. There he got happy and cheerful and he would endear and respect the Muslims, since then.

Anyhow, after fourteen days, I dreamed the best woman the world, Her Excellency FatÄ«mÄ ZahrÄ (pbuh). I met her, while Her Excellency Mariyah (pbuh) and a thousand servants of nymphs of paradise were at her service. Then, [Her Excellency] Mariyah (pbuh) stated to me, ‘This noble lady is the best woman; the[grand] mother of your husband ImÄm Haá¹£an AskarÄ« (pbuh).’

There, I took hold of her clothe, cried and complained, ‘ImÄm Haá¹£an (pbuh) isn’t affectionate to me and withholds from seeing me!

Her Excellency [Fatima (pbuh)] wondered, ‘How can my son visit you, while you are a polytheist, you are Christian5! At the present time, my sister, Maryam (pbuh) “The [offspring] daughter of AmrÄn†abhors from your path toward God [Christianity]! If you are willing to make The Almighty God and Maryam (pbuh) happy and want for ImÄm Hasan AskarÄ« (pbuh) to visit you, declare:

“I testify that, there is no god but The Unique God [Allah]. And that Muḥammad (pbuh&h) is His servant and the Messenger.

To be continued …


1-     It is a title for prophet Jesus the Christ (pbuh). it refers to the event that he was born without having a father. And Gabriel blew the divine soul

2-     ImÄmate of 12 infallible ImÄms (pbu th) was a simile for a tower.

3-     Ale means, the Prophet’s household and other infallible ImÄms (pbu th).

4-     It refers to the Christ (pbuh)’s 12 students.

5-     Keep in mind, it refers to the forged Christian religion which is now believed! At first, it was a true and the best.