Cobblestone, moquette, rug

In Ahd Prayer1, «عَهْداً وَ عَقْداً وَ بَیْعَةً» it reads: “Conformity, commitment and allegiance”

It means, first I need to deal with Imam Zamān (mgehr) a conformity

Then contract my conformity (to strength it)

And finally, turn my contract into an allegiance…

It’s like, when they say, “Pave it with cobble stone, install moquette and then lay the rug …”

It refers to their precaution, so there will be better quality.


Collection Date:




1- Ahd prayer is from Imam Sadīq (mgher), which includes the reincarnation of Imam Zamān (pbuh). This prayer is one of the prayers that have been emphasized on reading it during the absence of the Imam of Time (pbuh). It is said that anyone who reads this prayer for forty mornings, they will be the servants of His Excellent Qa’im (aj).


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