[Imam Askari (pbuh) said:] Dear aunt! Tonight, when is mid of Sha’aban, break your fast in our home; because tonight God will make you happy and glad via [visiting] his proof for ummah [people] and my successor [imam Mahdi (hgr)].
Hakimah (aunt of imam Askari) said: we recited Maghreb (vespers) and Isha (evening) prayers and broke our fast. I constantly have watched out her.
At midnight I get to recite midnight praying, she also mades ablution and gets to recite midnight praying.
During the first dawn, suddenly Narjes senses the time of behest born is arrived.
I picked a pillow, set her down on it in a position to be ready for giving birth, I helped her; she cried loudly, I said Tashahud, at that time God’s proof was bornā¦
Kamal Al-Din, Chapter42; Milad, (Articles collection about birth of Imam Mahdi (hgr)), P.45
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