Mahdavī organizational work

Ego- training

It is not possible for anyone, to do activity in the field of Mahdīsm and stay on this path, unless they deal with their egos.

Ego also plays an essential role in creating deviant sects. In 90% of cases, they [the sects] start their activities, in order to be on the path of Imām Zamān (mgehr), and creating deviant sects wasn’t their aim!

Is it possible for an individual, to do activities for the emergence of someone who will certainly behead the devil, and the devil will not oppose them?

In order to mislead someone who works for the Imām Zamān (mgehr), Satan does not offer them sins!

When we judge others and know ourselves better than them it means, we haven’t trained our ego properly and we have been deceived by Satan.


Endurance vs.  blame:

As long as a person does sincere activities for Imām Zamān (mgehr); even if all people unite to oppose them, they will be honorable more and more.

In Ghadīr [Ghadīr Khumm], the Messenger of God (pbuh&h) raised Amīr al- Muʾminīn (pbuh)’s hand and requested God,

“O, God! Help, whoever helps ʻAli and his offspring.” [Specially, his Ahl al Bayt (pbu th)]

Is it possible for a person, to help Amīr al-Mu’minin and his offspring; then, God does not help then?!

About the people of The Last Era, God stated,

“… وَ لَایَخَافُونَ لَومَۀَ لاَئِمٍ …”


“… and never afraid of the reproaches of such as find fault…” (Holy Qur’an, Surah Al- Māʾidah, Verse, 54)

It connotes that, keep in mind! You will definitely be ridiculed, so you have to endure this blame.

In the path of Mahdavī’ s activities, there must be some bans and challenges; otherwise, our activities are definitely flawed. That’s the devil who obstructs us, in this direction. But God paves the way for us; as long as we persevere.

God stated,

“ان الذین قالوا ربنّا ثّم استقاموا فلا خوف علیهم ولاهم یحزنون”

“Verily those who say, “Our Lord is Allah,” and remain firm [on that Path], –

on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve” (Holy Qur’an, Surah Al- Aḥqāf, Verse, 13)

[It connotes,] when it comes to endurance, it means difficult situations ahead.


Benefiting from the presence of the scholars:

All those who do activities in the field of Mahdīsm, must unexceptionally have permanent relationships with one to three religious scholars, in the field of Mahdīsm and morality.

A Mahdavī activist must constantly refer to the scholars; in order that their level and quality of religiousness be checked by the scholars. In this way, the religious experts can point out the shortcomings of their activities.

Imām Zamān (mgehr) stated,

وَأَم ا الْحَوَادِ ثُ الْوَاقِعَ ۀُ فَارْجِعُو ا فِیهَ إِلَى ِ رُوَا حِ حَدِيثِنَ اَ فَإِن هُ مْ حُج تِي يَعَلَيْكُ مْ وَحُ” َ

کما ل الدین ، ج 1 ، ص 484 »عَلَيْهِ مْ”

“As for the incidents that happen, refer to our Aḥādīth narrators; since, they are my proof [Hujjat] on you. And I am God’s proof on them.” (Kamāl ad-Dīn, Vol. 1, P. 484)

Therefore, it is obligatory and necessary to refer to the scholars, in The Last Era.


Opposing Satan:

Imām Sādiq (pbuh) stated, “Satan just challenges with our Shiites!”

The [12 infallible] Imāms are [the leaders to] The Straight Path of God. As long as the individual is out of this path, Satan will not challenge with them; wherever they are or whatever they do! Even, he sometimes wakes them up for the morning pray!

Satan has a very long time experience. He knows The Straight Path, as much as prophets (pbu th). He has promised [God] to lies in wait on The Straight Path, and deviate Shiites. Sometimes, Satan makes the people doubt between the choice of two kindly activities. And the individual might not choose the best one. To recognize the right activity, one should see what activity had more [spiritual light], and our ego likes it less than another! [by ego, here it means the EGO- Instinctual drive]

One of the main actions done by Satan in order to intrigue among Mahdavī activists is to create divisions. In this regard, in Surah ʾAnfāl, Verse 46 stated:

وَ لاَتَنَازَعُوا فَتَفشَلُوا……

…and obey Allah and His Messenger; and fall into no disputes, lest ye lose

heart and your power depart; and be patient and persevering: For Allah is with

those who patiently persevere…

Many of our religious and Mahdavī activities are underestimate, which creates divisions. Today, The Crusaders, the Zionists and the Salafī1 have been united against the Shiites. But [unfortunately], the Twelver Shiites usually dispute over minute things!

God’s blessing is in collective activities; We are to enhance harmony [and friendship] between us and all work together; It brings love over time. dispute

Sometimes to help [follow] Imām Zamān (mgehr), is only to help his companions.

Our Mahdism is a revolutionary one. One isn’t expected to sit and wait for Sir [Imām Zamān (mgehr)] to come! They have to try. Lest one day, he [the Imām (mgehr)] takes hope of my guidance!



1-     The Salafī movement, also called the Salafist movement, Salafiya and Salafism, is a reform branch movement within Sunnah, that developed in Al-Azhar University in Egypt in the late 19th century as a response to Western European imperialism. It had roots in the 18th-century Wahhabi movement that originated in the Najd region of modern-day Saudi Arabia. The name derives from advocating a return to

the traditions of the Salaf, the first three generations of Muslims, which they said was the unadulterated.


Lecture: By Professor Raefipoor

Subject: Mahdavī organizational work

Summary of the speech “The Era of Sympathy”, 2916

Prepared in the Mahdism unit of Masāf Institute, Mahdiaran @Mahdiaran

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