The one who completes Imト[ 盧、usayn’s (pbuh) Journey…

December 1, 2019 0

Imト[ 盧、usayn (pbuh) headed toward Kナォfah [as he had been requested], in order to set there the headquarters of Islト[ic jurisdiction, like his gracious father [Imト[ ハソAlトォ (pbuh)].

[But] when the political atmosphere changed in Kナォfah, the very inviters blocked the road to the Imト[ (pbuh)!!

Yet, he settled in Karbalト inevitably, in 2nd Mu盧・arram.

What will Sufyanトォ do, after the Battle of Qirq?

December 1, 2019 0

He will send two different armies to Median and Iraq, coincidently! Well, Imト[ Mahdトォ (mgehr)窶冱 governing station is of special importance for him. Hence, he will rush into Shia- inhabited cities of Kナォfah, and his huge attacks will strike the people!

Giving Sufyanトォ and his followers,ツan ultimatum

December 1, 2019 0

ツImト[ Mahdトォ (mgehr) will invite them, and reminds them his truthfulness. He will inform them that he is oppressed and his right will have been usurped, by force.

He will state, 窶聾hoever bickers me over God, [must know that], I am the most deserving and nearest to God窶ヲ窶

However, Sufyanトォ will disobey The Excellency. Yet, The Excellency will set off to cleanse the world from his existence.