I saw, but did not know him [Imam Mahdī (mgehr)]….

June 23, 2018 0

Sometimes [they] ask if it is possible, that Imam Mahdī (mgehr) knows them but they do not know him?

The answer is yes

[As] It is stated in the Holy Qur`an, Prophet Joseph(pbuh) knew his brothers after about forty years of  being thrown down to the well [by his brothers] till being given power[by the king of Egypt].

But they did not know him.

You [human beings] exist, as long as beneficence exists

June 23, 2018 0

When two things are extremely far and different on the rank point of view (such as God who is in the highest position vs. the world which is in a very low rank),

There needs for intermediates, in order for the low rank to contact the high.

Like “sunlight”, which is an intermediary between the fireball of the sun and the cold globe of the earth.

In other words, there should be affinity and relation between the power and the worthy.

The savior in Buddhism “Maitreya”

May 21, 2018 0

Maitreya means kind and lovely.

In Buddhist symbolism, he is shown as a man in a sitting position that is ready to stand.

Well, this is the symbol of rise. [The emergence]

Wherever Buddhists are, Maitreya is as a main character in their thoughts.

It is a thought that still exists among the Buddhists

How should one look forward to [the Emergence]?!

May 21, 2018 0

The looking forward mentioned in narrations, is not just sitting and crying!

[But], we should prepare ourselves for serving Imam Mahdi (mgehr).

Looking forward for The Emergence means being on the alert for it, prepared,

And again denial!!

May 21, 2018 0

The above verse shows they [disbelievers’] denied Imam Qa`em (mgehr)

As they will say to him (mgehr),’We do not know you. And you are not of Fatima (pbuh)’s descendants.’

Just like what polytheists said to Prophet Muḥammad (pbuh&h)!

Sweet, Syrup

May 18, 2018 0

When they offer syrups, sweets, chocolates or something else to polite children at a party,

They [children] look at their father, before they get something.

Their father look, decides what to take and what not!

Victory is about to happen

May 18, 2018 0

️وأُخْرَى تُحِبُّونَهَا نَصْرٌ مِنَ اللَّهِ وَ فتح_قریب وَبَشِّرِ الْمُؤْمِنِين [صف/۱۳]

And another (favour will He bestow,) which ye do love,- help from Allah and a speedy victory. So give the Glad Tidings to the Believers. (Holy Qur`an, Surah AS-SAFF, verse 13)

Imam al-Bāqir (pbuh) stated:

By victory, it refers to the victory [Emergence] of Qa`em (mgehr) of Ale Muḥammad2 (pbu th) in the world.

The complexions clarify the insides [when Imam Qa`em (mgehr) arises]

May 11, 2018 0

‘Does God need to know guilty people by their marks, despite the fact that he created them?!’

I asked [again], ‘May I be thy ransomed! What is the meaning of the verse, then?’

 The Imam (pbuh) stated, ‘When Imam Qa`em (mgehr) arises, God gives (grant) him the science of knowing [sinners by] their marks (so he knows them by their complexions and confronts them, then)”


May 11, 2018 0

Imagine you leave a lamp by a child, to heat and light.

But, he stones at people because of ignorance!

So, you may pick up the lamp to prevent more damage…

[Here], picking the lamp up is not because you fear or you are unable against the child!

Why only God should determines Imam?

May 11, 2018 0

[Once I was at Imam al-Askari (pbuh)’s house]. I asked his son; [Imam] Mahdi (mgehr),

‘Why aren’t people permitted to choose their Imam by themselves?’

He stated, ‘Who do you mean? A righteous or a corrupted Imam”?

I said, ‘I mean the Imam and leader who is righteous.’

He stated, ‘You are not aware of other people’s thoughts!’