The leader [the Imam]…

January 14, 2018 0

Obviously if a society is under the supervision of a boss or a manager,

Who prevents them from aggression and selfishness

and invites [them] to justice and fairness,

That society will be righteous and progressed, and it will be far from corruption and degeneration.

We are deprived of [Imam Mahdī (hgr)] `s knowledge!

January 14, 2018 0

This is an example for Ale Muhammad1 (pbu th);

«بِئْرٍ مُعَطَّلَة» is a well which is lying idle and neglected!

And it refers to the Imam [Mahdi (hgr)] who is absent [occulted]

and we can`t take advantage of his knowledge light, till the Emergence time.

If he will be late

January 6, 2018 0

The wave of salivation and fervor about the subject” looking forward the savior to emerge”, in the up and down history of Jews

If he will be late,

Again you look forward to him.

Some notes about After the Emergence

January 6, 2018 0

“At the time of our Qa`em2 (hgr) `s arising, God summons a group of our Shias who carry their sword handles.

[And], when this news come to our Shias-who are alive at that time-they give good tidings to each other that,

‘Such and such people are gathered from their graves, and they accompany Imam Qa`em (hgr)

On the contrary, as soon as this news comes to our enemies they say,

Do you know what” Gospel” means?

January 6, 2018 0

Gospel in Greek means Good news! Good news of the coming of the Kingdom of God1.

Christians believe Jesus the Christ (pbuh) is the last savior and consolator.

A large number of his majesty Jesus (pbuh)’s followers, took action to write about his life style

And produced the texts that were called “Gospel” afterward.

We are deprived of [Imam Mahdī (hgr)] `s knowledge!

January 6, 2018 0

This is an example for Ale Muhammad1 (pbu th);

«بِئْرٍ مُعَطَّلَة» is a well which is lying idle and neglected!

And it refers to the Imam [Mahdi (hgr)] who is absent [occulted]

and we can`t take advantage of his knowledge light, till the Emergence time

He [Imam Mahdi (hgr)] is present and can be achievable [if we regard morals]…

December 10, 2017 0

[Imagine] A vice city, with the demons of Jinn and human … all put their effort not to let you get to the destination!

Suppose an individual has invited some people to his/her home.

He also provided special reception and excellent food for them.

Although he has given the home address, he knows there are some fraudulences along the way.