Twelve Caliphs (pbu th) [12 Shiites’ Imams] from Quraysh

June 7, 2017 0

Jabir ibn Samorah said: I heard that prophet Muhamad (pbu h & h) stated
“If twelve men[ 12 Shia’ s imams] rule the people, the people affairs will be continuously desired and desirable.”
Then he (pbu h &h) stated a phrase which I hadn’t heard up to that time.
My father said,” He (pbu h &h) stated ‘All of them [twelve men] are from Quraysh tribe.’

The suffered people look forward more to the Emergence…

June 7, 2017 0

History has accompanied with cruelty, vice and filth from the beginning up to date and from today to coming of the world sun (emergence of Imam Mahdi (hgr)!

Through the remembrance of the birth of great historical savior [imam Mahdi (hgr)], there is hope in the hearts of the people who have suffered from cruelty_ whether the ones that have suffered from being oppressed or the others who have suffered from observing oppression…

Do you know what is the difference between Shia’s belief and other`s about the savior?

June 7, 2017 0

Mr. Khamenei; the leader said:

The difference between us (Shia) with others the other Islamic and non-Islamic sects or others , is that we know this precious and supreme person;
We know his name, birth date, his precious father and mother and his ancestors, and what happened to him. But the others don’t know these. That is why Shia’s recourses, are livelier, more fervent, more meaningful and more oriented.

The truth which is agreed by all religions of the world

June 7, 2017 0

All known religions of the world, approximately agree with each other about the principle of hope to a bright future for human and the emergence of a savior for establishment of justice in all of the world.

Except from Islam, Christianity, Judaism, even Indian religions, Buddhist and religions which are unknown for the most of people of the world, have given glad tidings (such a future) in their trainings.

Retaliate for justice!

June 7, 2017 0

Its late to start from the first step! If a society has already got preparation and sufficiency, it can welcome the promised Mahdi (hgr). Otherwise, the people will behave like what the formers did with prophets( pbu th) and saint people (ʾawliyāʾ) in history!

That’s why Amīr al-Mu’minīn; Ali ibn Abi Talib(pbuh) could not root out the devil, during short period of his government with those: divine power, divine science, volition power, the beauties and shinning in his honorable character. While it had been recommended a lot by prophet Muhammad(pbuh)!

What can we do to help the Emergence happens?

June 7, 2017 0

More we try and self-improve: Learn Epistemology[ Hear means knowledge of God], ethics, behavior and competency within yourselves, closer you bring the event.
These are in our control.
If we self improve more, the event will happen sooner.

A mine full of clear water

June 7, 2017 0

We are deprived of his science![ Imam Mahdi( hgr)]
…وَ بِئْرٍ مُعَطَّلَةٍ وَ قَصْرٍ مَشِيدٍ [حج/۴۵]

“So many wells; full of clear water which are lying idle and neglected, and castles which are lofty and well-built (Hajj/45)”

That was an example for Ale Muhammad (pbu th)[ Prophet Muhammd( pbuh&h), her dignified daughter” Fatima( pbuh) and 12 imams( pbu th).]

Danger of Poison Infiltration

June 6, 2017 0

“[Before the Emergence], people witness from velleity! Judge on cruelty! the peolpe damn their fathers and envy their brothers! The Copartner do guile in transactions and troth abate! Adultery break out! The Men apparel themselves in womanish dresses! The scarf as a sign of modesty, glom on to women!


June 6, 2017 0

Amir al-Mu’minin[ Imam Ali(pbuh)] stated to his followers:
“Be among people as like as honeybee among birds
Every bird sees honeybee as an unable and ineffective animal! But if they know what is hidden inside it, they will never act like this again.
Have apparently associations with people, but avoid copying their thinking and action.
Actually, every one will gainb whatever s/ he has gained. And in doomsday, s/ he will be with the one who s/he has been interested in.

The twelve Imams (pbu th) [of Shiites]

June 6, 2017 0

Do you know there are a lot of narrations in Shia’s sources, which mentioned the number of twelve Imams?
Shaykh Ḥorr-e ʿĀmelī in the second volume of the valuable book “Ithbat Al-hudat” has gathered nine hundred and twenty seven narrations about the imamate1 of twelve Imams, which in most of them the number and name of Imams have been mentioned straightforward.