Breaking glass v.s. breaking Earthenware

June 6, 2017 0

Imam sadiq( pbuh)’s warning about the sieve of apocalypse:Swear to God, you all will doubtlessly break down like glass. Well, glass may return to its first status (It’s amendable through melting and reproducing).

The twelve Imams (pbu th) [of Shiites]

June 6, 2017 0

Do you know there are a lot of narrations in Shia’s sources, which mentioned the number of twelve Imams?
Shaykh កorr-e ÊżÄ€melÄ« in the second volume of the valuable book “Ithbat Al-hudat” has gathered nine hundred and twenty seven narrations about the imamate1 of twelve Imams, which in most of them the number and name of Imams have been mentioned straightforward.

If the earth will stay without the imam (hgr)?

June 6, 2017 0

One hundred and eighteen narratives have been handed down to us, which point that the Earth would never be without God’s proof.
Allame Majlesi collected these narratives in the chapter “Al-Iztirar Ela al-Hujjah” [Necessity of God’s proof] of Biងār al-ÊŸAnwār
Also the late Kulayni has mentioned such narratives in the book “Kāfī”; the chapter “Kitab Al-Hujjah”. For example:

Predicates of birth [of Imam Mahdi (hgr)]

June 6, 2017 0

Prophet Muhamad (pbuh & h) and Imams have informed about the birth of a baby for Imam Hasan Askari, who has hidden after he was born.
Statistics of collected narrations, in this area, in the book “Kamal Al-Din”, as follows:
From prophet Muhamad (pbuh & h); forty five narrations
From Imam Ali (pbuh)

From majesty Zahra (pbuh); four narrations
From Imam Hasan (pbuh); tow narrations
From Imam Hussain (pbuh); five narrations

Due to Twelve Caliphs (pbu th) [12 Shiites’ imams)

June 6, 2017 0

Shiites – and also Sunnis – believe that prophet Muhamad (pbuh&h) declared the survival and dignity of Islam until the Day of Judgment, due the twelve caliphs

Sunnis have been unable to introduce these people, but in Shiites’ teaching, these twelve divine caliphs have been known and specified.

Twelve Caliphs (pbu th) [12 Shiites’ Imams] in Sunna’s Sources

June 6, 2017 0

Jabir 1said, “I was in.. presence of God’s messenger [prophet Muhamad (pbu h & h)] and I heard that he stated,”
“Due to existence of twelve caliphs, duty and condition of Ummah [people] are continuously obvious.”
Ahmad ibn Hanbal (of the Sunni elders) has written on page 86 of volume 5 of In his book “Musnad”:
“Jabir has narrated this narration via 34 ways.”

Saviour in Islam

June 6, 2017 0

Psalms, torah, evangel… Singly religion which it’s heavenly courses didn’t mutilate or revolve, is “Islam”. Islam’s behest and saviour, nee ‘Mahdi’ unto shiaa and sunna. ‘Mahdi’ (whom peace be upon him) is his most famous agnomen.

Imam Bagher (Pbuh) declares about it: “Certainly he called ‘Mahdi’ due to he is conducted via a hidden matter. He will unweave torah and other holy writs frome a cave in Antiochia.

Satirizing the anticipators!

June 6, 2017 0

It’s considered in the secound Peter’s epistle: “While, they will satirize the belief of Jasus further return!” (1)

In Matthew’s evangel said: “while me; behest Jasus, gloriously and along all my angels, return, then I’ll perch on my glorious throne.

Afterward all ground’s nations will repel me and I’ll disperse them as a herdsman who detach sheeps by goats…” (2)

The last Savior in the Quran

June 6, 2017 0

Throughout history, the masses of people were waiting for “the savior” to get rid of misfortune and suffer!

In the Quran, the word “save” is coming with the same word “Najaynah”… As Noah saved from drowning in the Great Flood! And Lot saved from the city of sinners! And Israelites saved from pharaohs!!