The most famous word amongst Sunnis

August 24, 2019 0

Did you know [the word] “Mahdī†is one of the most famous sobriquet of ImÄm MahdÄ« (mgehr)? Did you know the word “MahdavÄ«at†is most popular [sobriquet] amongst Sunnis?!In narrations, the sobriquet “Mahdī†is often used about The Excellency [ImÄm MahdÄ« (mgehr)] after the emergence and “QÄʾim†is used before the emergence.

Do you know how many narrations are there in Shia sources ?

August 21, 2019 0

Do you know how many narrations are there in Shia sources, which refer to the number of 12 [infallible] ImÄmsIn the second volume of the valuable book “IthbÄt al-hudÄt by Shaykh Ḥurr ˈAmilÄ«, there are nine hundred and twenty seven narrations about 12 ImÄms (pbu th)’ Imamate. In many of them, the number and names of The ImÄms (pbu th) were mentioned, in a clear cut way. They are such as:

What is Sufyanī ’s religion?

August 21, 2019 0

There are various narrations about Sufyanī ’s religion. But as they aren’t documentarily reliable enough, we cannot come to a definite view about Sufyanī ’s religion. Yet, it is definite that he is in severe bias and enmity with Shiites, in his religious tendencies.

Costume Jewelry

August 3, 2019 0

Why do they manufacture costume jewelry?Some opportunists feign every valuable and worthy wares.For each original and worthy thing, they have made and still make a counterfeit and fake one.Against fifty-thousand-Toman traveler’s checks, no one thinks of producing counterfeit banknotes of seven thousand Tomans.

Don’t Be a Crammer

July 31, 2019 0

Let’s not to cry out Imam ZamÄn (mgehr) like crammers!Let’s not to be like the ones who make vows or recite SalawÄt1†the night before exam, but forget [about God], after the exam.In QurʾÄn it criticizes, “Why do you cry out “O’ Allah, only when you see yourself in critical situations.The moment Pharaoh found himself drowning, he cried out, “I repent now.â€

That’s what is called The Emergence

July 31, 2019 0

It is worth that the man stands against oppression; stands against the tyrant, punch them in the mouths and stop so much growing oppression.. “It’s worth it!” Men! We have this religious duty! It is not right for us who are looking forward to Imam MahdÄ« (mgehr)’s emergence, that we just sit down in our homes, pray with praying beads and say, “[God! Please] hurry his Emergence.

Like the Coat and Cotyledon of a seed

July 31, 2019 0

Some people are just coat, and some others are cotyledon![Give a seed as an example, some people have superficial sights. But others have deep sights.]But mind that, both coat and cotyledon are needed for a seed, to sprout and grow…

Being paved the way of the emergence

July 31, 2019 0

Thanks to Allah’s wishes, we will break the oppressors’ hands for their encroachment and oppression in Islamic countries. And will put an end to the supremacy of imperialism’s oppression through rise of [our] revolution –which actually is the rise of true revolution and expressing Muḥammad (pbuh&h) [Islamic]’s laws. With Allah’s help, we will pave The way for the emergence of the saviour, the universal peacemaker, the absolute Imamate of truth; ImÄm ZamÄn (May our soul be sacrificed for him.)