Repent for each moment, you haven’t had tranquility!

July 27, 2024 0

Many discomforts bring forth sin in humans! Also, there are some discomforts that are typically sins; therefore, the sinners are to repent.

Now pray, “O, God! I repent for each moment, I haven’t had tranquility!”

According to Imām Alī (pbuh)’s words, “The faithful/ believers enjoy both spiritualties [celestial] and the world [terrestrial], compared to others!” (Nahj al Balāghah, the Letters 27)

Why is that? It’s because, religion teaches the techniques of enjoying the world, through its psychological techniques.

  Reciting prayers in the Major Occultation Era

July 27, 2024 0

[In this regard,] Zurārah said, ‘Once I heard Aba AbdullĂąh (pbuh) stated, ‘Qā’im (mGehr) is occulted for a long time before he will emerge!’ I wondered, ‘How come?!’ He stated, ‘He fears.’ And he pointed to his blessed belly with his hand. Then he kept on, ‘O, Zurārah! He is the one who is looking forward to his emergence [MĆ«ntasar2]. Also, he is the one whom they will doubt in his birth!