What’s the matter with the Jews?!

January 12, 2025 0

Although because of strong attachment to ancient hopes, a few of Jews consider the formation of Zionist state contrary to Messianic ideals (and contrary to the Emergence of the Savior), majority of them have accepted the Zionist government wholeheartedly. Also, they consider it the gateway to the Messianic era!

Today, at the end of the ceremony for “the anniversary of formation of usurping Israeli regime†and after blowing the trumpet of worship, the occupying Zionists pray as follows:

Recognizing the seditions within the Last Era

December 12, 2024 0

The Messenger of God (pbuh&h) stated, “Don’t consider the seditions of the Last Era as malevolent! It’s because they can ruin the hypocrites!â€
[Yes,] he mentioned that the seditions are needed to exist. He stated:
لَتَغْرَبَّنَ غَربَله
To sift through His [God’s] sieve

Characteristics of companions of ImÄm ZamÄn (mgehr)

September 19, 2024 0

According to most hadiths, the number of companions of ImÄm ZamÄn (mgehr) is 313, who will miraculously gather around the Imam in a day or night in Mecca from near and distant places. Among them will be the Prophet Jesus (Pbuh), some companions of the Prophet Muḥammad (Pbuh&hf) and Imams (Pbuth) such as Salman al-Farsi and MÄlik b. HÄrith al-NakhaÊ¿Ä«. Women are also among the companions of the His Majesty.

The lessons of the children of Israel

September 18, 2024 0

The Prophet (PBUH)’s name is mentioned in Qur’an five times; once the name Aḥmad and four other times the name Muḥammad. Prophet Moses [pbuh]’s name has occurred 136 times in Qur’an. More than 900 verses of Qur’an are about the children of Israel without which, the subject of ImÄm MahdÄ« (mgehr)’s emergence cannot be initiated. The noble prophet [of Islam] (pbuh) stated, “No lizard goes to a hole in the children of Israel unless it will happen to my nation as well.†(Muntakhab al-’Athar, p. 98)

One must know the nation of Israel, in order to learn Enemyology[1], because God has stated, “Surely You will find the most hostile of all people towards the faithful to be the Jews and the polytheists.†(Al-MÄ’idah 5:82)