On prophet Muhammad (pbuh&h)’s blessed birthdate

February 11, 2025 0

It’s well known among ImÄmiyah scholars that His Majesty’s blessed birthdate was on Rabi’ al-Awwal, 17th. And the late Allama Majlisi confirmed it according to the consensus. But most of Sunni scholars have mentioned that it was on Rabi’ al-Awwal 12th 33, Shaykh KulaynÄ« 34and some of the best Shia scholars agreed with it.

What does Iran do with it [Israel]

August 6, 2023 0

In one of the verses of IsrÄʼ in Qur’an, [God] mentioned:

…So when the second promise came (We raised another people) that they may bring you to grief…

These are very powerful people. They will kick each one of the Zionists out of their houses, take revenge and perish them.

The greatest wish and honor

November 24, 2018 0

My [the leader’s] greatest wish and honor is to give my life in this honorable, graceful and joyful way.