
June 6, 2017 0

Hujjat al-Islam Ghara’ati:
When the Earth [people] backs off the sun [imam Mahdi], will become night and when it faces, it will become day and light will encompass everywhere. Also the occultation time of Imam Mahdi (hgr) is like night!

At night, the sun light shines to the moon and moon uses it; so moon’s light is due to the sun. The late Imam Khomeini1 was like a moonlight in the occultation night…


June 6, 2017 0

Hujjat al-Islam Ghara’ati:
Imam Mahdi (hgr) is the middleman of God’s grace.

As a little lamp can’t directly adjoin to the powerhouse and needs a transistor, we also can’t directly receive grace from glorious God and need a middleman who is “Imam”.


June 6, 2017 0

Landing an airplane needs a safe and healthy airport. For landing a little airplane, even a 200 meters airstrip is enough;
But for a large one, it needs a kilometers airstrip to land in security.
Also the substructure of such a kind of airport should be strong, to tolerate hundreds tons of pressure!

Barbed Tree Branch, Qetad Lover Birds

June 6, 2017 0

There is an occultation of Sahib al-Amr; Imam Mahdi (hgr)) while anyone wants to grasp his religion, it seems like going to shave the thorns of barbed tree branch Qetad, by his hands.
The servants of God[ Humans] must refuge to God and grasp God’s religion .

Birth Moments…

June 6, 2017 0

[Imam Askari (pbuh) said:] Dear aunt! Tonight, when is mid of Sha’aban, break your fast in our home; because tonight God will make you happy and glad via [visiting] his proof for ummah [people] and my successor [imam Mahdi (hgr)].
Hakimah (aunt of imam Askari) said: we recited Maghreb (vespers) and Isha (evening) prayers and broke our fast. I constantly have watched out her.

Predicates of birth [of Imam Mahdi (hgr)]

June 6, 2017 0

Prophet Muhamad (pbuh & h) and Imams have informed about the birth of a baby for Imam Hasan Askari, who has hidden after he was born.
Statistics of collected narrations, in this area, in the book “Kamal Al-Din”, as follows:
From prophet Muhamad (pbuh & h); forty five narrations
From Imam Ali (pbuh)…
From majesty Zahra (pbuh); four narrations
From Imam Hasan (pbuh); tow narrations
From Imam Hussain (pbuh); five narrations