Remarkable greetings of a Sunni elders

May 18, 2018 0

In his book Ibṭāl al-Bāṭil, Faḍl Ibn Rūzbahān wrote some sentences about the truth of prophet (pbuh&h)’s Ahl al-Bayt [household]. He ends the text as:

How good I wrote about them:

Peace be upon Mustafā1 (pbuh&h); Mujtaba 2. [The Prophet (pbuh&h)]

Peace be upon Sayyid4 Murtaḍā5 [Imam Ali (pbuh)]

Peace be upon our lady Fāṭimah (pbuh), whom God assigned her Khayr al-Nisā’ 5

Victory is about to happen

May 18, 2018 0

️وأُخْرَى تُحِبُّونَهَا نَصْرٌ مِنَ اللَّهِ وَ فتح_قریب وَبَشِّرِ الْمُؤْمِنِين [صف/۱۳]

And another (favour will He bestow,) which ye do love,- help from Allah and a speedy victory. So give the Glad Tidings to the Believers. (Holy Qur`an, Surah AS-SAFF, verse 13)

Imam al-Bāqir (pbuh) stated:

By victory, it refers to the victory [Emergence] of Qa`em (mgehr) of Ale Muḥammad2 (pbu th) in the world.

The night of separation1 ends

May 11, 2018 0

……, and that they should not become like those to whom was given Revelation aforetime, but long ages passed over them and their hearts grew hard? For many among them are rebellious transgressors (Holy Qur`an, Surah AL-HADID, verse 16)

Imam Khomeini (r.i.p.)

May 10, 2018 0

1. Explorations will be made by his command.

2. Inventors will provide their expertise to him, or will use his majesty (mgehr)’s expertise and knowledge.

3. People’s mindset level rises.

4. There will be also invisible divine blessings [from God] …

Gospel [enunciation] of the savior’s emergence in Hindu sources

May 10, 2018 0

The world cycles will be over.

Then, in the Last Era a just king who is the leader of humans, fairies and angels will emerge.

He is right and all the truth is with him. He will gain all the hidden things in seas, lands and mountains

And will tell of the heavens and the earth.

Gospel of the savior’s emergence in Hindu sources

May 10, 2018 0

When the day is over, the old world turns new.

And the new landowner comes.

[He is the one] whose ancestors are in turn: The Great Leader of the World; “Honor in The Last Era”. And “The Great Truth teller”.

That means the older successor is named “Pashan”.

And the owner of that new land is “The Leader”.

He deserves to be a king.

USB Flash

May 10, 2018 0

Consider a USB Flash;

a metal that does not exceed one centimeter in dimensions.

[But] it can transmit the data as big as even a library, once it is connected to a computer.

Now, if there remains a question for an individual that how Imam Zaman (mgehr) became an Imam in his childhood,

we will reply, “This human-made USB flash can receive and store much information once it is connected.

Do you remember the saying “Which came first, the chicken or the egg”?

May 9, 2018 0

If there lives a creature in the system of nature and creation, it has been created the more prefect and honorable [form] of it before.

[So] by this means perhaps, the famous question can be answered as,

“Chicken or Egg! Which Came First?”

Yes, at first God created the first prefect form (hence the hen).

Who is he??

May 9, 2018 0

In the New Testament, there is a promise of a person other than Jesus the Christ (pbuh)! Who is he??

He is another consolator [comforter], in addition to the Christ (pbuh)!

[Whom], The Christ (pbuh) requests God for his people.

God grants the Christ (pbuh) Imam Mahdi (hgr), to be always with him.

[But], the people of the world can’t see and don’t know him [enough].