The sudden emergence [of Imam Mahdī (mgehr)]
According to some narrations “Imam Zaman (mgehr)’s emergence will occur at once; when it is not expectedâ€.
And [to others] “his emergence will occur overnightâ€.
According to some narrations “Imam Zaman (mgehr)’s emergence will occur at once; when it is not expectedâ€.
And [to others] “his emergence will occur overnightâ€.
The holy Prophet [Muḥammad (pbuh&h)] stated:
I give you glad tidings to [the emergence of] Mahdī (mgehr).
He will rise when people are engaged in oppositions, conflicts and riots.
And he will fill the world with Justice and equality; as it was once filled with oppression.
Imam Mahdi (mgehr) `s justice is a moral type, not jurisprudential
His justice is filled with affection,
and (mgehr) spreads it in a fatherly kindness manner to profundity of people`s souls and homes.
It is like how cold and heat penetrates into homes.
[About the issue] KhÄtam al-AnbiyÄ1, The Messenger of Allah [Prophet Muḥammad (pbuh)] stated:
By bringing up love, heart attraction; enthusiasm and tendency as powerful levers, [we] can introduce and lead [people] to know Imam Zaman (mgehr).
[It is] the lever which will create lasting motifs.
One of the purposes of God by creation, is to observe all his names and perfections through the existence of perfect men “Imams (pbuh).â€
God (who owns all perfections) is aware of his perfections.
But the greater pleasure, is to watch these perfections mirrored [in perfect men].
Based on their characteristics, every creature manifests and reflects one or more divine names.
I expect cultural administrators more than this!
I don’t expect to have such a cultural condition in our country,
that a person can act such an insolence  heedlessness against Imam Mahdī (mgehr).
Every Friday pay attention and see,
 White Hair is a sign of aging, but the cause of it isn’t hair color! Paleness is a symptom of an illness, but the cause of it is not the skin color!
The Emergence symptoms are just the emergence’s illustrator and don’t have anything to do with emergence realization. In other words the symptoms have no role in, but just are signs in approaching the emergence.
It is an excellence-oriented, reforming rise that has been emphasized on its helping [by others].
In some narrations “The rise of Yamani†is confirmed and advocated;
therefore, this view “Amendment movements in the era of absence are doomed to fail and contrary to the will of Ahl al-Bayt1 (pbu th)†is not acceptable.
Isaiah (pbuh) lived 700 BC.
He addressed the emergence of the promised, more than other prophets (pbu th).
In his words the most excellent proof for saving Israelites, was a person named “Immanuel.” “The most excellent example was the salvation of a person of Israel called
Sometimes [they] ask if it is possible, that Imam Mahdī (mgehr) knows them but they do not know him?
The answer is yes
[As] It is stated in the Holy Qur`an, Prophet Joseph(pbuh) knew his brothers after about forty years of being thrown down to the well [by his brothers] till being given power[by the king of Egypt].
But they did not know him.
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