Costume Jewelry

August 9, 2019 0

Why do they manufacture costume jewelry?Some opportunists feign every valuable and worthy wares.For each original and worthy thing, they have made and still make a counterfeit and fake one.

Costume Jewelry

August 3, 2019 0

Why do they manufacture costume jewelry?Some opportunists feign every valuable and worthy wares.For each original and worthy thing, they have made and still make a counterfeit and fake one.Against fifty-thousand-Toman traveler’s checks, no one thinks of producing counterfeit banknotes of seven thousand Tomans.

Rise of Sufyanī is definitely happens.

August 1, 2019 0

There is no doubt, that [rise] of Sufyanī is of certain signs of the EmergenceBased on a lot of narration, the great scholars like: Ayatullahs Safi al-Gulpaygani and Muḥammad Sadr have confirmed the rise of Sufyanī in The Last Era.As an example, in a reliable Ḥadīth1 it reads,

Imam Khomeini (mghmoys)

August 1, 2019 0

Ayatollah Qara’ati said:[Sometimes] some people ask, ‘How will ImÄm MahdÄ« (mgehr) react to this new technology?[Here, we had better] reply with this example, ‘What do you think ImÄm Khomeini (mghmoys) did?’All pilots who had educated in America, in the time of Muḥammad RÄ«á¸a the king, came to ImÄm Khomeini (rah) and presented their specialty to him.

The benefits of [knowing] The Emergence signs

August 1, 2019 0

The Emergence signs and indications can be useful, at least in these two situations:1-    The situation when people are unaware of these issues [The Emergence issues]; because some agents of propaganda work less, or [because of] their negligence.

The false claimants of Yamânî

July 31, 2019 0

Ê¿Abd al-RaḥmÄn ibn Muḥammad ibn al-AshÊ¿ath
Yazīd ibn Mulhab
`Abd ar-Rahman ibn Muḥammad
Abdul Rahim bin Abdul Rahman

Being paved the way of the emergence

July 31, 2019 0

Thanks to Allah’s wishes, we will break the oppressors’ hands for their encroachment and oppression in Islamic countries. And will put an end to the supremacy of imperialism’s oppression through rise of [our] revolution –which actually is the rise of true revolution and expressing Muḥammad (pbuh&h) [Islamic]’s laws. With Allah’s help, we will pave The way for the emergence of the saviour, the universal peacemaker, the absolute Imamate of truth; ImÄm ZamÄn (May our soul be sacrificed for him.)