Like the Coat and Cotyledon of a seed

July 31, 2019 0

Some people are just coat, and some others are cotyledon![Give a seed as an example, some people have superficial sights. But others have deep sights.]But mind that, both coat and cotyledon are needed for a seed, to sprout and grow…

the Satan s’ plan

June 11, 2019 0

A large number of elites who are the main heads of the world’s affairs, are affected by disappointment and despair, so they influence their nations by these disappointment and despair!!And they dissuade them [the nations] from changing the cruel and evil plan of the world today.It is obvious that disappointed people cannot do anything to correct things!!

 The duties of The System of The Advocates

June 11, 2019 0

By examining historical evidences, we conclude that the system of advocates didn’t just aim at collecting: the five predicable, Zakāt2, charity and vows. But for some reasons, acquisition of property was in relation with political issues.[Here are] some of the duties of this organization:Guiding the Shiites,Debating with the opponents,

Some news about The activities done by the enemies of Mahdavīat

April 11, 2019 0

One of our problems in propagating of Christianity and increasing colonialism in the North Africa, in the region of Tunisia and Morocco is that, these people believe that the promised Mahdi (mgehr) will come and glorify Islam. The reporter wrote it in his official report, and sent it to the delegation who is responsible for dealing with these issues.