Justice of Imam Ali (peace be upon him) with a Christian man

January 15, 2025 0

Imam Ali saw his stolen armor in the hands of a Christian man. He brought him before the judge and he himself sat next to the Christian man.

Then he said: This is my armor. The Christian man said this is my armor, but Amir al-Mu’minin does not lie either.

The judge said to Imam Ali: Do you have any witnesses?

Muawiyah’s Acknowledgement of Imam Ali’s Courage and Bravery

January 15, 2025 0

When Imam Ali (peace be upon him) challenged Muawiyah to a duel during the Battle of Saffin so that people could be spared from the war with the death of one of them.

Amr ibn al-As said to Muawiyah: “Imam Ali has been fair to you, and it would be best if you yourself confronted him.”

Recognizing the seditions within the Last Era

January 12, 2025 0

The Messenger of God (pbuh&h) stated, “Don’t consider the seditions of the Last Era as malevolent! It’s because, they can ruin the hypocrites!”
[Yes,] he mentioned that the seditions are needed to exist. He stated:

The features of Imām Alī (pbuh)’s Shiite

November 5, 2024 0

There is an astounding narration by Imām Kādhim (pbuh), which is as follows:

If I investigate among my Shiites, I see that they only claim to act! And if I test them, they will turn to commit heresy (disbelief)!

If I purify them, there will be just one pure and honest among one thousands! Also, if I sift the people, just my special ones and family members will be around me!

A strategy for avoiding regret 

July 27, 2024 0

 “If your wish is not fulfilled, consider, ‘I haven’t ever wanted such a thing! [Not to feel sad]. And if you lose something, tell, ‘I haven’t ever had such a thing!’”

Relieve your soul! Emotional distress leads humans to disbelief! Now, what is to make us happy?’ Imām Alī (pbuh) stated,

قُرَّةُ عَیْنِ فِیمَالا یَزول

(Nahj al Balāghah, Sermon 193)

It means the pious individual is happy with the immortal things; the eternal things enlighten their eyes.

Whoever sees small sufferings as big, will be affected by big sufferings

May 30, 2024 0

Imām Alī (pbuh): Whoever sees small sufferings as big, will be affected by big sufferings

Amīr al Mu’menin (pbuh) stated,

مَن عظَّم صغارَ المصائبِ ابتلاهُ اللهُ بِکِبارِها

(Nahj al Balāghah, Sermon 448)

 “Whoever sees small sufferings as big, big sufferings will affect them.”

Full of smile

November 30, 2023 0

According to some translators and commentators of Nahj al-balāgha, this word announces the Emergence of His Majesty Mahdī (mgehr), and the dawn of justice, and refers to the general principle of “this darkness will end up by the dawn, and the dawn will be replaced by the morning.”

Taking responsibility before Wilāya ‘s dutifulness.

January 25, 2023 0

We should take notice of the word responsibility, or taking responsibility, before the word obedience.

 Who will His Excellency give a command to? To the people who can take responsibility.

What is His Excellency’s most important command? Taking responsibility.

 If I cannot take any responsibility, the Imām will be left alone when he comes