Qurʾān and “Al- Khasf bi l- Baydāʾ “

August 24, 2019 0

Several times, the word “Khasf” and its derivations were referred to, in Holy Qurʾān.  For example: in Surah Al- Qasas, Verse 81 God stated,“Then We caused the earth to swallow him up and his house.”Also in Surah Al- Nahl, Verse 45, God stated,

Cobblestone, moquette, rug

July 16, 2019 0

In Ahd Prayer1, «عَهْداً وَ عَقْداً وَ بَیْعَةً» it reads: “Conformity, commitment and allegiance”It means, first I need to deal with Imam Zamān (mgehr) a conformityThen contract my conformity (to strength it)And finally, turn my contract into an allegiance…

The faulty opponents

June 24, 2019 0

The first person who denied Imam Mahdī (mgehr)’s birth, was (his uncle;) Jaʿfar.He used to severely prevent the distribution of [the Imam (mgehr)’s] birth news!![In addition, in the book “Al-Fiṣal fī al-milal wa-al-ahwāʼ wa-al-niḥal] Ibn Ḥazm1 created ambiguity in the birth issue.

Let’s do not make him ashamed!

June 19, 2019 0

If we claim that we are followers of and Shia of that honorable Imam; I am afraid if the Imam [Imam Mahdī (mgher)] sees our dossier of deeds, Na’ūdhu billāh [we seek refuge in Allah], he will become ashamed!If a child of you does wrong, you will become ashamed! If your servant does wrong, you will become ashamed [too]!

Clerical wrongdoing!

May 5, 2019 0

The clerics who claim that they are the Imam Zamān’s representative,If God forbid something against Islām arises from them, not only will they bring down themselves, but also they will destroy clergymen reputation!This is a big responsibility on their shoulders.

The Nuisance of The Major Occultation Era

April 27, 2019 0

Know that, when nuisance happens,[First] they are questionable and deniable. But when it is uncovered, it will be awakening [in the end]. Nuisance circles around like the wind;

Quran is Basic and centered, after the Emergence

April 15, 2019 0

In Amīr al Mu’menīn (pbuh)’s Nahj al- Balāgha, it reads:When the promised peace maker Savior emerges, he will inspire and direct the desires and passions.There, people will prefer the guidance to their passions.

Diamond Tolerance

March 30, 2019 0

If we want to lift _for example a 100 Kg of _a very worthy object up through a 15-floor-building,  first we should examine the solidity of the rope, with a weigh heavier than 100 kg.To see if it is powerful enough, and can tolerate that worthy 100- kg. object or not