Sabean Mandaean

In the name of the merciful

Common information about” Sabean Mandaean”

A sect of Sabean Mandaean live in Khuzestan. They usually have a special ceremonies around Karun on Sundays. The ceremonies have detailed customs. In special cloths, they must be completely immersed in water. It is called” Baptism”[ like what Christians do].

Mandaean are Prophet Yahiya (pbuh)’s followers. They respect the stars a lot, and look at them as effective in cum affairs.

Their population is about 20000 people in Ahvaz. They do not advertise for their doctrine and do not let others to convert to their doctrine.

Their new year starts on …. That is probably Prophet Adam ( pbuh)’ s  birthdate. It has been referred in 3 verses of Quran, which is good to be noticed: [ Baqarah/ 62, Maedeh/ 69, Hajj/ 17].

They pray 3- even 5 – times in a day, they are on fast for 36 inconsistent days – instead 30 days in Ramadan month- divorce is not allowed in their doctrine and their wedding ceremonies   are hold on near Karun River. They believe a moribund will remain unclean forever, if s/he is not washed before death. Also, they consider it as a taboo to eat the Terrestrial animals; so they often eat fish, birds and so on.