just some lines by Zyanab ( pbuh)

ā€œNo God, but Allahā€ just some lines by Zyanab5( pbuh) the majesty
Tell a long story shortā€¦. Ah! What a grief!
Respect has diedā€¦ Ah! What a grief!
Harmala5 just missed to 1 arrow to throw ā€¦ Ah! What a grief!
He abused that last one tooā€¦. Ah! What a grief!
Whoever had been injured by Imam Ali ( pbuh) or by his swordā€ Zulfagharā€
Came to retaliate ā€¦. Ah! What a grief!
They attacked by all swords, spears and
stones available ā€¦. Ah! What a grief!
Zaynab (pbuh) the majesty seems not to believe the disaster,
When they killed the Imam by sitting on his chest ā€¦ Ah! What a grief!
The dress which was sown While crying by Fatima6(pbuh) the majesty
Was torn in the battle crowd ā€¦ Ah! What a grief!
When they killed the Imam and their hatred subsided,
They turned to the tents where the imamā€™s family survivedā€¦ Ah! What a grief!
She called out, facing Medinaā€ Oh. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh&h)
Oh, Fatima( pbuh); the majesty! Helloā€¦ Ah! What a grief!
Shemr[ God damn him] who killed the imam ( pbuh), has returned from the killing field.
And his cloth was stained by imam ā€˜s long lasting blood,
as a stigma. ā€¦ Ah! What a grief!
First the imamā€™s head then his finger were cut.
I wish there had remained some parts from the imamā€™s body ā€¦ Ah! What a grief!
You died and lay on the soil, and the foe took me into captivity.
Iā€™m being taken to Sham7 ā€¦ Ah! What a grief!
Iā€™m worried for your head which is on a spear and was hurt by stones,
thrown from the roofsā€¦ Ah! What a grief!
You are worried, what is coming to your daughter and me
in the unlawful party. ā€¦ Ah! What a grief!
where are they going to take his head city by city?
Now starting from Kufa and heading to Sham,
Just reminding again and then I sum up,
what they did on the roof. ..Ah! What a grief!
The story reached toā€ the footā€ but still remains what happens to ā€œthe headā€
and my poem isnā€™t over ā€¦ Ah! What a grief!



5- Zaynab was imam Aliā€™s daughter who was very knowledgeable and brave.

6- Fatima( pbuh) is prophet Muhammad( pbuh&h)ā€™s daughter and imam Aliā€™s wife who was very pure and noble.

7- Sham is the levant area.