Once I dreamt sir. Shaikh Morteza Haeri.

Once I dreamt sir. Shaikh Morteza Haeri.

In my dream, I knew he had died before and I asked him, “How are doing here?”

While he looked pleased, he answered,

“When I died, my soul separated from my body, like taking off my clothes!

I could see myself that was sitting alone in a corner, dumb-struck.

All of a sudden, I heard some noise which terrified me.

It wasn’t the type of human’s   voice.

I found myself in a barren desert that had a heavy space.

They were 2 creatures’ sounds which were getting near me.

They were all in fire and their eyes couldn’t be seen.

They pointed to me.

I was shivering by fear.

I didn’t even manage to shout! Just I could open and close my mouth!

I was about to have apnea…. My God….

Then I heard a smooth voice…

And I saw a light as; the nearer it got, the further those creatures went.

They went further and further

To the extent that disappeared.

I felt relieved.

He was a man all in light and magnificence.

He smiled and asked,

“Did you fear, Mr. Haeri?”

There I could open my mouth and say,

Fear?! Sure sir! If you had come later, my heart would certainly come to my mouth.

And God knows what they were up to me.

By the way, who do I have the honor of being introduced with?

He replied with a kind smile,

“I am Ali ibn- Musa al- Ridā.

You went on my pilgrim 38 times, Mr. Haeri!

I will help you in my visits 38 times too.

It was the first one and I will come 37 times more.

A memory by the late; Ayatollah Mar’ashi Najafi