I oath deeply if you aren`t pleasantry and softhearted, you

Step by step to  meet God. faith/p30(PelePele ta molaghat khoda)

Prof Fateminia said:

I often don’t oath but I have to oath now, , ladies and gentleman hear what I say:

I oath to her majesty Fatima Zahra (pbuh), if you aren`t pleasantry and soft hearted ,you can`t get any spirituality.

Don`t think you can get any spirituality, If you are an angry man who often discords at home…

I oath deeply if you aren`t pleasantry and softhearted, you can’t get any spirituality.

Mr.Allameh tabatabai was a full softhearted and he didn`t discord anyone during his life because of his kindness.

When we were in Qom, the children started bicycling; a size 28, at the age of8. They pedaled from beside of their bicycle.

Once, one of them bopped allameh Tabatabai, he fell down and lacerated. See, how would we react,if we were him, then? Yet,If we are good peolpe,

we would say something to them, at least!

But allameh got up and saskedthe boy calmly,” Are you ok?

The boy answered,”Yes, I am”

Allameh said,” Alhamdulillah (thank god), goodbye.”

It is necessary to be softhearted, as long as you aren’t softhearted, don’t look forward to having any spiritual affluences! if you don`t discord at home,

we can talk to each other!!