he usually teach me the rest of the subject!!

His name was Joneidi.

He was one of Nāsibi1 Scholars and an Ahl al–Bayt( pbu th)2 ‘s determined enemy.

Moutasem( the caliph3) commanded him to be Ali al- Naqi( pbuh)’ s teacher,

Since, he was expected to cut off Ali al- Naqi (pbuh)’s relationship with the Shiites.

He planned to teach him Nāsibis beliefs and to treat him in a way that have Ahl al- Beyt( pbu th)’ s great hatred  in his chest.

The time past.

Once they asked him about Ali al- Naqi( pbuh) as, ”How is the kid?”

He got furious and wondered, “Who do you mean by calling ‘a kid? Have you found in Medina a scholar better than me?”

They replied, “No!”

“By God!” He continued surprisingly:

“Whatever I want to teach him, he has already known!

Yet, he usually teach me the rest of the subject!!

He knows the full interpretation of Quran.

He reads Quran from memory and in a pleasant voice.

I wonder how he knows so much knowledge,

while he has just grown up among black walls of Medina!

The 6- year- old Ali al- Naqi( pbuh) was a good teacher for his teacher!

Joneidi; the determined Nāsibi turned into an Ahl al- Beyt( pbu th)’ s arden lover.

Peace be upon imam Hadi4(pbuh)


1-Nāsibi: Refers to those who, according to their view, hate the Ahl Al-Bayt (the Household of the Islamic prophet Muhammad) or their followers.

2- Ahl al–Bayt( pbu th): The phrase “Ahl al–Bayt( pbu th)” in the verse refers exclusively to Ali, Fatimah, al–Hassan and al–Hussain, (p.b.u.th.), and the other Shi’ite Infallible Imams (p.b.u.th.).

3- The caliph: He must be a person who is considered as a political and religious successor to the Islamic prophet (pbuh).

4- Hadi is  a title for imam Ali al- Naqi( pbuh).


Taken from the book” a refuge as Sun