God shows some signs to the believers …

Imam Sadiq (pbuh) stated:

God shows some signs to the believers, before his majesty Qaim1( hgr)’ s emergence.

.[ As in( Surah Al- Baqarah, verse 155) reads,” We will surely test all of you through : Some fears, hunger, the loss of wealth and lives and fruits. Give glad tidings to the patients.

By hunger, it refers to high prices.

By loss of wealth, it refers to downturn in business and low income.

By the loss of many lives, it refers to frequent and rapid death.

And by shortage of fruits, it refers to the shortage of  harvest and agricultural products.

So, Glad news for the patient to hasten the emergence of Qaim( hgr) by God  soon. (God willing).


1-“ Kamāl al-Dīn”. Vol. 2, p. 650

2- Al-Nu’mani, M.” Al Ghayba” P. 250

3- Samarqandi. M.” Tafsir al Ayashi “  vol. 1, P. 68

1-       Qaim means the one rises [ to bring about justice].