Do you know what the dammed will Say and hear ?

Do you know what the dammed will Say and hear [on Resurrection day]1?

Some will say, “Woe to me!What a grief! I neglected the most important things. I sacrificed all my life for nothing and I have got nothing in return2!”

Some other will say,” I  really made  fun of myself3!”And some others will argue and fight with each other as,” You should bear part of our torment too! Since, you deviated and summoned us to evil actions…”, and their addressee will reply,” …. !Curse on you! You shouldn’t have been deviated4!
Here Satan will say,” I didn’t actually forced you to do evil actions! I just deceived you, then you responded5!”

Then they will [beseech God ] speak with God, and God will reply, “ Shut up, and don’t speak with me! I have been speaking with you the whole your life, but you didn’t care! Today, no words are listened to [no excuses are accepted]6 ”


God will continue,” Some of you did whatever you desired! You expressed,‘ there wouldn’t be a Resurrection day; yet, if it is on the premise, God will forgive us.’ You had the illusion that God will forgive you without you try!!! You lost your moments and opportunities![ I’m not satisfied with you] I’m sad at you7!
Sources: [ They are all from  the holy Quran]

1-    Surah al- Zumar, verse 56.

2-    The same

3-    Surah al- Saffat, verse 27- 37.

4-    Surah Ibrahim, verse 22.

5-    Surah a-Mumenun, verse 108.

6-    Surah  Yasin, verse 59. And  Fasselat, verse50.