A war with God

A war with God

Prophet Muhammad ( pbuh&h) stated many times:

“If my nation disobeys enjoining good and forbidding wrong and leave it to each other,

it is as they have declared war against God!”

Wasā′il al- Shia. Vol. 11, P. 394


A word by the leader:

I have repeatedly advised during these years:

Enjoin good and forbid wrong!

But there are just a few- among all- who do that.


While they can experience it, they just wonder and ask” why doesn’t it work out, sir?!

Well, experience it! If you face any vice, note them orally.

You don’t need to express it in a biting language,

or make a lecture to Fix  that vice.

Just advise them in short words ‘Hey, sir! Lady! Brother! What you are doing is a vice!

Some say it is worth; provided that, you see the people likely to change!

But I believe, it certainly effects on people

The words always effect on people.

The supreme leader (1998/5/12)