Retaliate for justice!

June 7, 2017 0

Its late to start from the first step! If a society has already got preparation and sufficiency, it can welcome the promised Mahdi (hgr). Otherwise, the people will behave like what the formers did with prophets( pbu th) and saint people (ʾawliyāʾ) in history!

That’s why Amīr al-Mu’minīn; Ali ibn Abi Talib(pbuh) could not root out the devil, during short period of his government with those: divine power, divine science, volition power, the beauties and shinning in his honorable character. While it had been recommended a lot by prophet Muhammad(pbuh)!

What do some responsible men fear from?!

June 7, 2017 0

Although all world especially Zionist company and powerful people and plutocracy of the world become upset and they invasively propagandize, it is not important.
Today, base of Iran revolutionary is stable and these storms cannot unsteady this glorious structure, what do they fear from?

What do they consider for?

What can we do to help the Emergence happens?

June 7, 2017 0

More we try and self-improve: Learn Epistemology[ Hear means knowledge of God], ethics, behavior and competency within yourselves, closer you bring the event.
These are in our control.
If we self improve more, the event will happen sooner.

The worthiest feeling…

June 7, 2017 0

Wherever you are_ at university, Islamic seminaries, different schools, in markets, factories, barracks, villages and cities_ feel that you are a soldier of holy imam Mahdi (hgr)

Work for that honorable man (hgr) and ask God Almighty for help and success.

But Imam Mahdi (hgr) is present…

June 7, 2017 0

Although the Guide of the universe and the Refuge for all creatures is present, he hasn’t still emerged.[ it is his occultation era].
Is it believable that he isn’t present?? Believer feels this presence in his/her hearts.

The People who usually sit and pray,

Establishment of justice in the world

June 7, 2017 0

Promised Mahdi(hgr) won’t be to advise cruel people in the world; not to do cruelty, avarice and seek domination!
Justice can’t be established anywhere in the world, just by advice!
Establishment of justice in the world or some parts, needs just, justice seekers and righteous people to have power and talk with power to unreasonable people.

The most beautiful spring

June 7, 2017 0

It is full of energy and soothing…
Spring means a lot of rain, gush of stream, and waterlogged rivers… Spring means drizzle and odor of effervescence which are always smelled. Spring means renewed and sweet sense of life and delectation.

«السَّلامُ عَلی رَبیعٍ الاَنام وَ نَضرة الأیّام»

A mine full of clear water

June 7, 2017 0

We are deprived of his science![ Imam Mahdi( hgr)]
…وَ بِئْرٍ مُعَطَّلَةٍ وَ قَصْرٍ مَشِيدٍ [حج/۴۵]

“So many wells; full of clear water which are lying idle and neglected, and castles which are lofty and well-built (Hajj/45)”

That was an example for Ale Muhammad (pbu th)[ Prophet Muhammd( pbuh&h), her dignified daughter” Fatima( pbuh) and 12 imams( pbu th).]

The sun behind the cloud

June 7, 2017 0

As for the high space between cloud and sun, actually its the Earth which is behind the cloud.
“Pivotal” is by sun; planets rotate around it and it give light to them.
Clouds can’t intervene all the sun effects; even if the sun is behind the cloud, it prevents the absolute gloom and cold.
In cloudy weather, no one can deny the existence of the sun.


June 6, 2017 0

Hujjat al-Islam Ghara’ati:
When the Earth [people] backs off the sun [imam Mahdi], will become night and when it faces, it will become day and light will encompass everywhere. Also the occultation time of Imam Mahdi (hgr) is like night!

At night, the sun light shines to the moon and moon uses it; so moon’s light is due to the sun. The late Imam Khomeini1 was like a moonlight in the occultation night…