
June 6, 2017 0

Hujjat al-Islam Ghara’ati:
Imam Mahdi (hgr) is the middleman of God’s grace.

As a little lamp can’t directly adjoin to the powerhouse and needs a transistor, we also can’t directly receive grace from glorious God and need a middleman who is “Imam”.


June 6, 2017 0

Landing an airplane needs a safe and healthy airport. For landing a little airplane, even a 200 meters airstrip is enough;
But for a large one, it needs a kilometers airstrip to land in security.
Also the substructure of such a kind of airport should be strong, to tolerate hundreds tons of pressure!

Danger of Poison Infiltration

June 6, 2017 0

“[Before the Emergence], people witness from velleity! Judge on cruelty! the peolpe damn their fathers and envy their brothers! The Copartner do guile in transactions and troth abate! Adultery break out! The Men apparel themselves in womanish dresses! The scarf as a sign of modesty, glom on to women!


June 6, 2017 0

Amir al-Mu’minin[ Imam Ali(pbuh)] stated to his followers:
“Be among people as like as honeybee among birds
Every bird sees honeybee as an unable and ineffective animal! But if they know what is hidden inside it, they will never act like this again.
Have apparently associations with people, but avoid copying their thinking and action.
Actually, every one will gainb whatever s/ he has gained. And in doomsday, s/ he will be with the one who s/he has been interested in.

Barbed Tree Branch, Qetad Lover Birds

June 6, 2017 0

There is an occultation of Sahib al-Amr; Imam Mahdi (hgr)) while anyone wants to grasp his religion, it seems like going to shave the thorns of barbed tree branch Qetad, by his hands.
The servants of God[ Humans] must refuge to God and grasp God’s religion .

Autumn Clouds

June 6, 2017 0

According to one of Imam Ali’s (pbuh) narrative, “Succorers of Imam Mahdi (hgr) will congregate like autumn clouds. [1]
Do you know the reason of this parable?!

This parable shows tree point leastwise:
1- Acceleration of congregating and its beneficial effect [like autumn clouds which are agile]
2- Being resourceful and not buncombe [like autumn clouds that are pluvial]

Birth Moments…

June 6, 2017 0

[Imam Askari (pbuh) said:] Dear aunt! Tonight, when is mid of Sha’aban, break your fast in our home; because tonight God will make you happy and glad via [visiting] his proof for ummah [people] and my successor [imam Mahdi (hgr)].
Hakimah (aunt of imam Askari) said: we recited Maghreb (vespers) and Isha (evening) prayers and broke our fast. I constantly have watched out her.

Breaking glass v.s. breaking Earthenware

June 6, 2017 0

Imam sadiq( pbuh)’s warning about the sieve of apocalypse:Swear to God, you all will doubtlessly break down like glass. Well, glass may return to its first status (It’s amendable through melting and reproducing).

The twelve Imams (pbu th) [of Shiites]

June 6, 2017 0

Do you know there are a lot of narrations in Shia’s sources, which mentioned the number of twelve Imams?
Shaykh Ḥorr-e Ê¿Ä€melÄ« in the second volume of the valuable book “Ithbat Al-hudat” has gathered nine hundred and twenty seven narrations about the imamate1 of twelve Imams, which in most of them the number and name of Imams have been mentioned straightforward.