The Christian promised [savior]

November 29, 2017 0

The sentence” Jesus (pbuh) returns” has been one of the key main concepts,

which was noted in the holy books more than 300 times.

[Also], many chapters in the New Testament were wholly attributed to the Christian promised. (Matthew 24 and 25, Mark 13, Luke 21)

Does it make sense without it [the purpose]!?

November 29, 2017 0

There is no doubt, that the process of the creation by the wise God was purposeful.

Also, there had been a purpose in the creation of human that is “To reach the perfection”.

And its achievement is closely related to “Recognition of the way and the guide [Imam]”.

Can one get the perfect recognition only through wisdom?

Do Not Doubt

November 29, 2017 0

As for choosing a [educational] major, one should refer to the “supervisor”,

for [writing] a thesis, one is led to “advisor”,

and [again] for traveling with a tour, a “tour leader” is available,

For all these reasons and even more, we need a “Supervisor, an Advisor and Leader”; to pave sensitive and sophisticated roads of the world,

How to greet Imam Mahdi (hgr)?

November 29, 2017 0

Once a person asked Imam Sadiq (pbuh), “Can we say to Imam Qa`em1 (hgr)’ Asalam o Alaik ya Amir al-Mu`minin [Islamic way of saying Hello]?’ ”

The Imam (pbuh) replied:

“No, this is a name that God allocated to [just] Imam Ali (pbuh), and [since then] no one calls himself so, except an unbeliever.”

Days of Allah

November 29, 2017 0

[Once a person said,] “I heard that Imam al-Baqir (pbuh) stated,

‘Days of Allah are three days: the day in which Imam Qa`em1 (hgr) arises/revolts, day of Raj`a 2, and Doomsday)’

.and teach them to remember the Days of Allah. “Verily in this there are signs for such as are firmly patient and constant,-grateful and appreciative. (The holy Qur`an, surah Ibrahim, verse 5)

Have you ever known!!

November 29, 2017 0

Have you ever known that one of the Jewish prayers which is read in their triple prayers (the prayers, read in the morning, afternoon and night and has more than 18 sentences) is specifically about hurrying the Misha’s emergence?

Some important questions

November 29, 2017 0

(The People who look forward to the Emergence would better to read the text)

What happened in the west of Iran, on the threshold of the short occultation era?

And what happened in Sāmarrā and what was the end?

What areas were under the influence of the enemies, and what were they doing?